4 Secure Rooms
Luis Guzman edited this page 2020-04-13 16:27:15 -05:00

Secure rooms allow to secure the access from open public to make sure the resources on the server are used by the members of your team or organization.


Our current installation uses prosody as a local authentication mechanism.

While running the quick-jibri-installer.sh script it will create the first moderator account.

Here we document the prosody commands to manage your users on the server.


In server/vm/vps using root user, please use any of the following orders,

To add new user,

prosodyctl adduser user@YOUR.DOMAIN.LTD

To change password,

prosodyctl passwd user@YOUR.DOMAIN.LTD

To delete existing user,

prosodyctl deluser user@YOUR.DOMAIN.LTD

where user can be changed for the one you need.
Also your.domain.ltd can be changed from your domain.com or sub.domain.com corresponding to your Jitsi Meet domain.

Once you are about to login on your Jitsi Meet instance with secure rooms enabled, you can use any of the following formats for the user,

or only,

  • user

and the corresponding password to login on the interface.

User listing

Also we have added a prosody external module to allow listing of the existing users.

prosodyctl mod_listusers

Important: Please don't remove any account used by the system.