v7.3.0 Stable
released this
2023-11-12 03:22:45 +00:00 | 33 commits to master since this releasev7.3.0
- excalibur: add installer for whiteboard feature.
- quick_jibri_installer.sh: add excalidraw whiteboard backend
disable jigasi selector
add sed check test
update features list - misc: update repository address to new home.
update year to late 2023.
v7.1.0 Stable
released this
2023-02-22 11:56:20 +00:00 | 58 commits to master since this releaseThis 7.1 release adds support for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS based systems.
- changelog: add changelog
- quick_jibri_installer.sh: increase support to 22.04 fix key aggregation and remove deprecated letsencrypt ppa
- etherpad-docker.sh: fix key aggregation and variable collection.
- grafana.sh: fix gpg key aggregation
- jm-bm.sh: tweak sed
- jra_nextcloud.sh: fix key aggregation and variable collection.
- jra_nextcloud.sh: fix add gpg key function and add install available version package
- jra_nextcloud.sh: small fix for install_aval_package function
v7.0.0 Stable
released this
2022-05-21 01:07:02 +00:00 | 113 commits to master since this releaseMajor rework, comply with shellcheck
- Add experimental tool for AWS grub setup.
- Fix grafana configuration
- Actually apply changes to nginx conf instead of symlink.
- Actually require to run with admin rights.
- Improve comments.
- Rename and fix set_once function.
- Fix jibri domain.
- Comply mode section with shellcheck recommendations.
- Comply tools section with shellcheck recommendations.
- Comply main scripts with shellcheck recommendations.
- Improve shell quality
- Change JDK version to 11
- Make warning visible.
- Change email position, and small fixes
- Several indenting changes
- Set warning instead of "note".
- Yet again more fixes on echo and printf
- Standarize jra_nextcloud
- Add comment on debconf state
- Update SwITNet copyright and standarize debug option for scripts.
- Rename deprecated scripts folder
- Remove old
- Remove unused code
- Finally remove jigasi deprecated script.
released this
2021-04-29 15:43:19 +00:00 | 187 commits to master since this releaseChanges/fixes,
- Drop support for 16.04
- Fix secure rooms
- Fix tmp folder from external jibri node sync
- Keeping new blur
- Remove unused lines from prosody
- Apply brandless mode to svg logo
- Fix postgres query
- Satisfy imagick requirement & disable support app
- Fix jibri recording path variable
- Add enable show close page
- Add FQDN option to set as hostname
- Add partial support for CHP mode for 2.0.5765-1
- Add simple DNS test to Nextcloud domain.
- Replace requireDisplayName in favor of prejoinEnabled
v5.0.0 Stable
released this
2020-12-22 00:36:13 +00:00 | 269 commits to master since this releaseScaling up and performance features.
New Features
- JWT auth
- Add JVB2 nodes
New Modes
- CHP mode
New Tools
- Docker SG
- Permissions on Jibri node when first install disables jibri service.
- Chrome repos detection
- Arrange language questions order
- other fixes
released this
2020-10-11 07:30:46 +00:00 | 318 commits to master since this releaseFeatures:
- Add tools
- Jibri Environment Tester
- Jibri Conf Upgrader (late 2020)
- Add jibri nodes network capability and sync mode
- Prevent short passwords on Nextcloud installation
- Correct kernel installation
- Fix permissions to jibri node sync
- Several other minor fixes.
- Tested with 3 simultaneous rooms recording, main server + 2 additional jibri nodes, 3+ hours each.
- Add tools
v3.0.1 Stable
released this
2020-09-02 16:58:13 +00:00 | 386 commits to master since this release- Support for all Ubuntu LTS releases
- Track stable repository
- Rewriting Jigasi transcript for MUC support
- Adding Prosody PPA for latest version
- Adding Lobby Feature
- Adding Conference Duration
- Adding Grafana
- Adding add-jibri-node.sh
- Adding brandless mode
- Improving jitsi-updater
- Among several fixes and updates
v2.1.0 Stable
released this
2019-07-31 07:54:15 +00:00 | 610 commits to master since this releaseChanges
- Adding Jigasi transcript feature
- Improving chromedriver detection
- Fix domain / subdomain detection
- Among several small fixes
v2.0.2 Stable
released this
2019-04-02 16:33:33 +00:00 | 628 commits to master since this release- Fix config.js issue.
v2.0.1 Stable
released this
2019-04-02 05:15:11 +00:00 | 629 commits to master since this release- Fix SSL workaround