Warn not to use on desktop oriented OS #55

Ark74 merged 1 commits from unstable into master 2021-05-21 21:27:13 +00:00
2 changed files with 21 additions and 1 deletions
Showing only changes of commit e4afafc52f - Show all commits

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@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
Bash installer for Jitsi Meet standalone along with Jibri on supported **Ubuntu LTS** based systems using **nginx** as default webserver.
## Usage
As for our current latest release, as we have integrated more and more features, we highly recommend to use a purpose specific-newly spawn server to host the jitsi-meet framework, making sure you stick to the requirements and recommendations as much as possible, in order to avoid issues.
As for our current latest release, as we have integrated more and more features, we highly recommend to use a **purpose specific-newly spawn server** to host the jitsi-meet framework, making sure you stick to the requirements and recommendations as much as possible, in order to avoid issues.
**WARNING:** Please, avoid using this installer on your everyday GNU/Linux system, as this is an unsupported use and it will likely BREAK YOUR SYSTEM, so please don't.
### Main Server

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@ -248,6 +248,24 @@ So you can add a Jibri server on a instance with enough resources.\n"
#Check system oriented porpuse
echo "Cheking system oriented purpose...."
apt-get -yq2 update
SYSTEM_DE="$(apt-cache search "ubuntu-(desktop|mate-desktop)"|awk '{print$1}'|xargs|sed 's|$| trisquel triskel trisquel-mini|')"
for de in "${SYSTEM_DE_ARRAY[@]}"
if [ "$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' $de 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed")" == "1" ]; then
echo -e "\n > This instance has $de installed, exiting...
\nPlease avoid using this installer on a desktop-user oriented GNU/Linux system.
This is an unsupported use, as it will likely BREAK YOUR SYSTEM, so please don't."
echo -e "\n > No standard desktop environment for user oriented porpuse detected, continuing..."
#Prosody repository