Improve style and comments

This commit is contained in:
Luis Guzmán 2023-11-09 23:30:05 -06:00
parent a2a5c590b0
commit 8b6c071d47
1 changed files with 36 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -3,6 +3,26 @@
# SwITNet Ltd © - 2023,
# GPLv3 or later.
# Reset
Color_Off='\e[0m' # Text Reset
# Regular Colors
Black='\e[0;30m' # Black
Red='\e[0;31m' # Red
Green='\e[0;32m' # Green
Yellow='\e[0;33m' # Yellow
Blue='\e[0;34m' # Blue
Purple='\e[0;35m' # Purple
Cyan='\e[0;36m' # Cyan
printwc() {
printf "%b$2%b" "$1" "${Color_Off}"
print_title() {
printwc "${Blue}" "\n#--------------------------------------------------"
printwc "${Blue}" "\n# $1"
printwc "${Blue}" "\n#--------------------------------------------------\n"
while getopts m: option
case "${option}"
@ -55,7 +75,7 @@ else
# Make sure we can rely on the match strings.
echo "Testing match strings on config files."
printf "Testing match strings on config files.\n"
test_match "$WS_MATCH1" "$WS_CONF"
test_match "$PROS_MATCH1" "$PROSODY_FILE"
test_match "$PROS_MATCH2" "$PROSODY_FILE"
@ -63,6 +83,9 @@ test_match "$PROS_MATCH3" "$PROSODY_FILE"
test_match "$PROS_MATCH3" "$PROSODY_FILE"
test_match "$CONFIG_MATCH1" "$MEET_CONF"
print_title "Setup excalidraw backend."
adduser --home "$EXCALIDRAW_HOME" --disabled-password --gecos "" excalidraw
git clone "$EXCALIDRAW_HOME/backend"
@ -73,16 +96,20 @@ sudo -u excalidraw cp .env.development .env.production
# Use documented port to get some sort of standarization.
if sed -n "/$EXCAL_MATCH1/,/});/p" "$EXCAL_PORT_FILE" |grep -q port: ; then
echo "Update predefined port for metrics to $EXCAL_NEW_PORT"
echo "> Update predefined port for metrics to $EXCAL_NEW_PORT\n"
sed -i "/$EXCAL_MATCH1/,/});/s|port:.*,|port: $EXCAL_NEW_PORT,|" "$EXCAL_PORT_FILE"
echo "Define new port from default to $EXCAL_NEW_PORT"
echo "> Define new port from default to $EXCAL_NEW_PORT\n"
sed -i "/$EXCAL_MATCH1/a \ \ \ \ port: $EXCAL_NEW_PORT," "$EXCAL_PORT_FILE"
printf "\nInstalling npm backend.\n"
sudo -u excalidraw npm install
sudo -u excalidraw npm run build
print_title "Setup system & jitsi config files."
# Enable websocket on nginx
sed -i "/$WS_MATCH1/i \\\n" "$WS_CONF"
sed -i "/$WS_MATCH1/i \ \ \ \ location = / {" "$WS_CONF"
@ -96,9 +123,9 @@ sed -i "/$WS_MATCH1/i \ \ \ \ }" "$WS_CONF"
sed -i "/$WS_MATCH1/i \\\n" "$WS_CONF"
if grep -rq room_metadata /etc/prosody/conf.d/ ;then
echo "Prosody seems to be already configured."
echo "> Prosody seems to be already configured."
echo "Setting up prosody for whiteboard..."
echo "> Setting up prosody for whiteboard..."
# Modules enabled
sed -i "/$PROS_MATCH1/a \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \"room_metadata\";" "$PROSODY_FILE"
# Define internal component
@ -134,11 +161,11 @@ elif sed -n '/toolbarButtons: \[/,/\],/p' "$MEET_CONF" | \
echo "> Enabling whiteboard toolbar."
sed -i "/toolbarButtons:/a \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 'whiteboard'," "$MEET_CONF"
echo "ToolbarButtons not customized, whiteboard should be enabled by default,"
echo "otherwise, please report to:"
echo "> ToolbarButtons not customized, whiteboard should be enabled by default,"
echo " otherwise, please report to:"
# Systemd service
printf "\n# Add systemd service\n"
cat << EOF > /etc/systemd/system/excalidraw.service
Description=Excalidraw backend
@ -159,4 +186,4 @@ EOF
systemctl enable excalidraw.service
systemctl start excalidraw.service
echo -e "\nExcalidraw installation/setup complete!\n"
printwc "${Green}" "\nExcalidraw setup complete!\n"