Nextcloud with issues #43

opened 2021-04-26 20:11:24 +00:00 by johnfelipe · 1 comment
johnfelipe commented 2021-04-26 20:11:24 +00:00 (Migrated from

I do all this steps:

#sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ntp


git clone

cd quick-jibri-installer

sudo bash

					Welcome to Jitsi/Jibri Installer
					by Software, IT & Networks Ltd

- Jibri Recording and YouTube Streaming
- Jibri Recordings Access via Nextcloud
- Jigasi Transcription (Advanced)
- Customized brandless mode
- Recurring changes updater

Learn more about these at,
Main repository:
Wiki and documentation:

Press any key to continue...


OS: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
Good, this is a supported platform!
Verifying System Resources:
CPU Cores/Threads: OK (8)
Memory: OK (16039 MiB)
All requirements seems meet!

	- We hope you have a nice recording/streaming session

Add Prosody repo
Warning: apt-key output should not be parsed (stdout is not a terminal)

Add Jitsi repo

Warning: apt-key output should not be parsed (stdout is not a terminal)
> Do you plan to use Let's Encrypt SSL certs?: (yes or no)
We'll defaul to Let's Encrypt SSL certs.
> Please set your domain (or subdmain) here: (e.g.:
> Did you mean?: (yes or no)

					Please Setup Your Installation

Set sysadmin email (this is a mandatory field):

## Setting up Jitsi Meet language ##
You can define the language, for a complete list of the supported languages

See here:

Jitsi Meet web interface will be set to use such language.

Please set your language (Press enter to default to 'en'):
We'll take a minute to localize some UI excerpts if you need.

> Do you want to translate 'Participant' to your own language?
Leave empty to use the default one (English):
> Do you want to translate 'me' to your own language?
This must be a really small word to present one self.
Some suggestions might be: yo (Spanish) | je (French) | ich (German)

Leave empty to use the default one (English):
> Do you want to drop support for unsecure protocols TLSv1.0/1.1 now: (yes or no)
> Do you want to install customized "brandless mode"?: (yes or no)
Brandless mode will be set.
> Do you want to disable the Welcome page: (yes or no)
> Jitsi Meet Auth Method selection.

1) Local
2) JWT
3) None
Select the authentication method for your Jitsi Meet instance: 1

  > Users are created manually using prosodyctl, only moderators can open a room or launch recording.

> Do you want to setup Jibri Records Access via Nextcloud: (yes or no)
( Please check requirements at: )

-- JRA via Nextcloud will be enabled.

> Do you want to setup Jigasi Transcription: (yes or no)
( Please check requirements at: )

> Do you want to setup Grafana Dashboard: (yes or no)
( Please check requirements at: )
-- Jigasi Transcription won't be enabled.

				  Start Jitsi Framework configuration

-> Adding external module to list prosody users...

Now you can check registered users with:
prosodyctl mod_listusers

Changing default language to: es
Last file edition at:  Mon, 26 Apr 2021 16:24:29 -0300

Dropping TLSv1/1.1 in favor of v1.3

Disable "Blur my background" until new notice

Set username for secure room moderator:
Secure room moderator password:

				 Jibri Recordings Access via Nextcloud
					by Software, IT & Networks Ltd

Please enter the domain to use for Nextcloud:
Nextcloud user: xxx
Nextcloud user password: xxxx

> Do you want to enable HSTS for this domain?: (yes or no)
  Be aware this option apply mid-term effects on the domain, choose "no"
  in case you don't know what you are doing. More at

# Add Grafana Dashboard

Processing 11969: {"pluginId":"","title":"Jitsi Metrics","imported":true,"importedUri":"db/jitsi-metrics","importedUrl":"/grafana/d/mcfIHGrZz/jitsi-metrics","slug":"jitsi-metrics","dashboardId":1,"folderId":0,"importedRevision":1,"revision":1,"description":"","path":"","removed":false}

Go check:

(emphasis on the trailing "/") to review configuration and dashboards.

User: xx
Password: xxx

Please save it somewhere safe.

Press any key to continue...

# Checking ALSA - Loopback module...
modprobe: FATAL: Module snd-aloop not found in directory /lib/modules/4.15.0-140-generic

# Your audio driver might not be able to load.
# We'll check the state of this Jibri with our '' tool.

				  Welcome to Jibri Environment Tester
					by Software, IT & Networks Ltd

Checking for updates....

#1 -- Check repository --

This installation is using the "stable" repository.

#2 -- Check latest updates for jibri --

Jibri is installed, checking version:
jibri:all/stable 8.0-83-g204354d-1 uptodate
Jibri is already up to date: ✔

#3 -- Check Google Chrome/driver software.  --

Google Chrome 90.0.4430.93
ChromeDriver 90.0.4430.24
Google Chrome is already up to date: ✔

Chromedriver version seems according to Google Chrome: ✔

#4 -- Test kernel modules --

Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
linux-image-generic-hwe-18.04 is already the newest version (
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
  python-pyicu python3-lib2to3
Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 10 not upgraded.

No module snd_aloop detected. ✖ <== IMPORTANT!
Current kernel: 4.15.0-140-generic

If you just installed a new kernel, please try rebooting.
For now wait 'til the end of the recommended kernel installation.
# Check and Install HWE kernel if possible...

#5 -- Test .asoundrc file --

Seems to be using the latest asoundrc file available!

#6 -- Old or new config --

What config version is this using?

> This jibri seems to be running the lastest configuration already. ✔

If you think there maybe an error on checking you current jibri configuration.
Please report this to

#6.1 -- Check for specific Chrome flag --

> Seems you have the "--ignore-certificate-errors" flag required for Chrome v88 and later. ✔

If you think there maybe an error on checking you current jibri configuration.
Please report this to

	 Score: 5.1 out of 6.1

Jibri Test complete, thanks for testing.

Press any key to continue...

					Installation complete!!
		   for customized support:

Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  python-pyicu python3-lib2to3
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 2 to remove and 10 not upgraded.
															   After this operation, 1832 kB disk space will be freed.
(Reading database ... 133993 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing python-pyicu (1.9.8-0ubuntu1) ...
Removing python3-lib2to3 (3.6.9-1~18.04) ...
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
Rebooting in...

And when put my subdomain for login to nextcloud instance show me this:


How solve this?

I do all this steps: #sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ntp cal date git clone cd quick-jibri-installer sudo bash ######################################################################## Welcome to Jitsi/Jibri Installer ######################################################################## by Software, IT & Networks Ltd Featuring: - Jibri Recording and YouTube Streaming - Jibri Recordings Access via Nextcloud - Jigasi Transcription (Advanced) - Customized brandless mode - Recurring changes updater Learn more about these at, Main repository: Wiki and documentation: Press any key to continue... enter OS: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS Good, this is a supported platform! Verifying System Resources: CPU Cores/Threads: OK (8) Memory: OK (16039 MiB) All requirements seems meet! - We hope you have a nice recording/streaming session Add Prosody repo Warning: apt-key output should not be parsed (stdout is not a terminal) OK Add Jitsi repo Warning: apt-key output should not be parsed (stdout is not a terminal) OK > Do you plan to use Let's Encrypt SSL certs?: (yes or no) yes We'll defaul to Let's Encrypt SSL certs. > Please set your domain (or subdmain) here: (e.g.: > Did you mean?: (yes or no) yes ######################################################################## Please Setup Your Installation ######################################################################## Set sysadmin email (this is a mandatory field): ## Setting up Jitsi Meet language ## You can define the language, for a complete list of the supported languages See here: Jitsi Meet web interface will be set to use such language. Please set your language (Press enter to default to 'en'): es We'll take a minute to localize some UI excerpts if you need. > Do you want to translate 'Participant' to your own language? Leave empty to use the default one (English): Participante > Do you want to translate 'me' to your own language? This must be a really small word to present one self. Some suggestions might be: yo (Spanish) | je (French) | ich (German) Leave empty to use the default one (English): yo > Do you want to drop support for unsecure protocols TLSv1.0/1.1 now: (yes or no) yes > Do you want to install customized "brandless mode"?: (yes or no) yes Brandless mode will be set. > Do you want to disable the Welcome page: (yes or no) no > Jitsi Meet Auth Method selection. 1) Local 2) JWT 3) None Select the authentication method for your Jitsi Meet instance: 1 > Users are created manually using prosodyctl, only moderators can open a room or launch recording. > Do you want to setup Jibri Records Access via Nextcloud: (yes or no) ( Please check requirements at: ) yes -- JRA via Nextcloud will be enabled. > Do you want to setup Jigasi Transcription: (yes or no) ( Please check requirements at: ) no > Do you want to setup Grafana Dashboard: (yes or no) ( Please check requirements at: ) -- Jigasi Transcription won't be enabled. yes ######################################################################## Start Jitsi Framework configuration ######################################################################## -> Adding external module to list prosody users... Now you can check registered users with: prosodyctl mod_listusers Changing default language to: es Last file edition at: Mon, 26 Apr 2021 16:24:29 -0300 Dropping TLSv1/1.1 in favor of v1.3 Disable "Blur my background" until new notice Set username for secure room moderator: xx Secure room moderator password: xxx ######################################################################## Jibri Recordings Access via Nextcloud ######################################################################## by Software, IT & Networks Ltd Please enter the domain to use for Nextcloud: Nextcloud user: xxx Nextcloud user password: xxxx > Do you want to enable HSTS for this domain?: (yes or no) Be aware this option apply mid-term effects on the domain, choose "no" in case you don't know what you are doing. More at no # Add Grafana Dashboard Processing 11969: {"pluginId":"","title":"Jitsi Metrics","imported":true,"importedUri":"db/jitsi-metrics","importedUrl":"/grafana/d/mcfIHGrZz/jitsi-metrics","slug":"jitsi-metrics","dashboardId":1,"folderId":0,"importedRevision":1,"revision":1,"description":"","path":"","removed":false} Go check: (emphasis on the trailing "/") to review configuration and dashboards. User: xx Password: xxx Please save it somewhere safe. Press any key to continue... enter # Checking ALSA - Loopback module... snd-aloop modprobe: FATAL: Module snd-aloop not found in directory /lib/modules/4.15.0-140-generic #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Your audio driver might not be able to load. # We'll check the state of this Jibri with our '' tool. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ######################################################################## Welcome to Jibri Environment Tester ######################################################################## by Software, IT & Networks Ltd Checking for updates.... #1 -- Check repository -- This installation is using the "stable" repository. #2 -- Check latest updates for jibri -- Jibri is installed, checking version: jibri:all/stable 8.0-83-g204354d-1 uptodate Jibri is already up to date: ✔ #3 -- Check Google Chrome/driver software. -- Google Chrome 90.0.4430.93 ChromeDriver 90.0.4430.24 Google Chrome is already up to date: ✔ Chromedriver version seems according to Google Chrome: ✔ #4 -- Test kernel modules -- Reading package lists... Building dependency tree... Reading state information... linux-image-generic-hwe-18.04 is already the newest version ( The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: python-pyicu python3-lib2to3 Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 10 not upgraded. No module snd_aloop detected. ✖ <== IMPORTANT! Current kernel: 4.15.0-140-generic If you just installed a new kernel, please try rebooting. For now wait 'til the end of the recommended kernel installation. # Check and Install HWE kernel if possible... #5 -- Test .asoundrc file -- Seems to be using the latest asoundrc file available! #6 -- Old or new config -- What config version is this using? > This jibri seems to be running the lastest configuration already. ✔ If you think there maybe an error on checking you current jibri configuration. Please report this to #6.1 -- Check for specific Chrome flag -- > Seems you have the "--ignore-certificate-errors" flag required for Chrome v88 and later. ✔ If you think there maybe an error on checking you current jibri configuration. Please report this to ############################## Score: 5.1 out of 6.1 ############################## Jibri Test complete, thanks for testing. Press any key to continue... enter ######################################################################## Installation complete!! for customized support: ######################################################################## Reading package lists... Building dependency tree... Reading state information... The following packages will be REMOVED: python-pyicu python3-lib2to3 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 2 to remove and 10 not upgraded. After this operation, 1832 kB disk space will be freed. (Reading database ... 133993 files and directories currently installed.) Removing python-pyicu (1.9.8-0ubuntu1) ... Removing python3-lib2to3 (3.6.9-1~18.04) ... Reading package lists... Building dependency tree... Reading state information... Rebooting in... 1 And when put my subdomain for login to nextcloud instance show me this: ![SNAG-0408]( How solve this?
Ark74 commented 2021-04-28 16:46:41 +00:00 (Migrated from

Fixed by #44
Please try again on the latest release.


Fixed by #44 Please try again on the latest release. Cheers.
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Reference: switnet/quick-jibri-installer#43
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