#!/bin/bash # JVB2 Node Aggregator # SwITNet Ltd © - 2021, https://switnet.net/ # GPLv3 or later. ### 0_LAST EDITION TIME STAMP ### # LETS: AUTOMATED_EDITION_TIME ### 1_LAST EDITION ### #Make sure the file name is the required one if [ ! "$(basename $0)" = "add-jvb2-node.sh" ]; then echo "For most cases naming won't matter, for this one it does." echo "Please use the original name for this script: \`add-jvb2-node.sh', and run again." exit fi while getopts m: option do case "${option}" in m) MODE=${OPTARG};; \?) echo "Usage: sudo ./add-jvb2-node.sh [-m debug]" && exit;; esac done #DEBUG if [ "$MODE" = "debug" ]; then set -x fi #Check admin rights if ! [ "$(id -u)" = 0 ]; then echo "You need to be root or have sudo privileges!" exit 0 fi ### 0_VAR_DEF MAIN_SRV_DIST=TBD MAIN_SRV_REPO=TBD MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN=TBD JVB_HOSTNAME=TBD JVB_HOST=TBD JVB_PORT=TBD JVB_SECRET=TBD JVB_OPTS=TBD SYS_PROPS=TBD AWS_HARVEST=TBD STUN_MAPPING=TBD ENABLE_STATISTICS=TBD SHARD_HOSTNAME=TBD SHARD_DOMAIN=TBD SHARD_PASS=TBD MUC_JID=TBD MJS_USER=TBD MJS_USER_PASS=TBD START=0 LAST=TBD THIS_SRV_DIST=$(lsb_release -sc) JITSI_REPO=$(apt-cache policy | awk '/jitsi/&&/stable/{print$3}' | awk -F / 'NR==1{print$1}') JVB2_CONF="/etc/jitsi/videobridge/config" JVB2_NCONF="/etc/jitsi/videobridge/jvb.conf" JVB2_SIP="/etc/jitsi/videobridge/sip-communicator.properties" #PUBLIC_IP="$(dig -4 @resolver1.opendns.com ANY myip.opendns.com +short)" NJN_RAND_TAIL="$(tr -dc "a-zA-Z0-9" < /dev/urandom | fold -w 4 | head -n1)" NJN_USER="jvbnode${ADDUP}_${NJN_RAND_TAIL}" NJN_USER_PASS="$(tr -dc "a-zA-Z0-9#_*=" < /dev/urandom | fold -w 32 | head -n1)" #GITHUB_RAW="https://raw.githubusercontent.com" #GIT_REPO="switnet-ltd/quick-jibri-installer" ### 1_VAR_DEF # sed limiters for add-jvb2-node.sh variables var_dlim() { grep -n $1 add-jvb2-node.sh|head -n1|cut -d ":" -f1 } check_var() { if [ -z "$2" ]; then echo -e "Check if variable $1 is set: \xE2\x9C\x96 \nExiting..." exit else echo -e "Check if variable $1 is set: \xE2\x9C\x94" fi } if [ -z "$LAST" ]; then echo "There is an error on the LAST definition, please report." exit elif [ "$LAST" = "TBD" ]; then ADDUP=$((START + 1)) else ADDUP=$((LAST + 1)) fi #Check server and node OS if [ ! "$THIS_SRV_DIST" = "$MAIN_SRV_DIST" ]; then echo "Please use the same OS for the JVB2 setup on both servers." echo "This server is based on: $THIS_SRV_DIST" echo "The main server record claims is based on: $MAIN_SRV_DIST" exit fi #Check system resources echo "Verifying System Resources:" if [ "$(nproc --all)" -lt 4 ];then echo " Warning!: The system do not meet the CPU recomendations for a JVB node for heavy loads. >> We recommend 4 cores/threads for JVB2! " CPU_MIN="N" else echo "CPU Cores/Threads: OK ($(nproc --all))" CPU_MIN="Y" fi ### Test RAM size (8GB min) ### mem_available=$(grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo| grep -o '[0-9]\+') if [ ${mem_available} -lt 7700000 ]; then echo " Warning!: The system do not meet the CPU recomendations for a JVB node for heavy loads. >> We recommend 8GB RAM for JVB2! " MEM_MIN="N" else echo "Memory: OK ($((mem_available/1024)) MiB)" MEM_MIN="Y" fi if [ "$CPU_MIN" = "Y" ] && [ "$MEM_MIN" = "Y" ];then echo "All requirements seems meet!" echo " - We hope you have a nice recording/streaming session " else echo "CPU ($(nproc --all))/RAM ($((mem_available/1024)) MiB) does NOT meet minimum recommended requirements!" echo "We highly advice to increase the resources in order to install this JVB2 node." while [[ "$CONTINUE_LOW_RES" != "yes" && "$CONTINUE_LOW_RES" != "no" ]] do read -p "> Do you want to continue?: (yes or no)"$'\n' -r CONTINUE_LOW_RES if [ "$CONTINUE_LOW_RES" = "no" ]; then echo "See you next time with more resources!..." exit elif [ "$CONTINUE_LOW_RES" = "yes" ]; then echo "Please keep in mind that we might not support underpowered nodes." fi done fi echo " #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Checking initial necessary variables... #-----------------------------------------------------------------------" check_var JVB_HOSTNNAME "$JVB_HOSTNAME" if [ -z $JVB_HOST ]; then echo "JVB_HOST is empty, but it may be ok for it to be empty, skipping empty test." else check_var JVB_HOST "$JVB_HOST" fi check_var JVB_PORT "$JVB_PORT" check_var JVB_SECRET "$JVB_SECRET" check_var JVB_OPTS "$JVB_OPTS" check_var SYS_PROPS "$SYS_PROPS" check_var AWS_HARVEST "$AWS_HARVEST" check_var STUN_MAPPING "$STUN_MAPPING" check_var ENABLE_STATISTICS "$ENABLE_STATISTICS" check_var SHARD_HOSTNAME "$SHARD_HOSTNAME" check_var SHARD_DOMAIN "$SHARD_DOMAIN" check_var SHARD_PASS "$SHARD_PASS" check_var MUC_JID "$MUC_JID" check_var MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN "$MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN" # Rename hostname for each jvb2 node hostnamectl set-hostname "jvb${ADDUP}.${MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN}" sed -i "1i jvb${ADDUP}.${MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN}" /etc/hosts # Jitsi-Meet Repo echo "Add Jitsi repo" if [ -z "$JITSI_REPO" ]; then echo "deb http://download.jitsi.org $MAIN_SRV_REPO/" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jitsi-$MAIN_SRV_REPO.list wget -qO - https://download.jitsi.org/jitsi-key.gpg.key | apt-key add - elif [ ! "$JITSI_REPO" = "$MAIN_SRV_REPO" ]; then echo "Main and node servers repository don't match, extiting.." exit elif [ "$JITSI_REPO" = "$MAIN_SRV_REPO" ]; then echo "Main and node servers repository match, continuing..." else echo "Jitsi $JITSI_REPO repository already installed" fi # Requirements echo "We'll start by installing system requirements this may take a while please be patient..." apt-get update -q2 apt-get dist-upgrade -yq2 apt-get -y install \ apt-show-versions \ bmon \ curl \ git \ htop \ ssh \ unzip \ wget echo "# Check and Install HWE kernel if possible..." HWE_VIR_MOD=$(apt-cache madison linux-modules-extra-virtual-hwe-$(lsb_release -sr) 2>/dev/null|head -n1|grep -c "extra-virtual-hwe") if [ "$HWE_VIR_MOD" == "1" ]; then apt-get -y install \ linux-image-generic-hwe-$(lsb_release -sr) \ linux-modules-extra-virtual-hwe-$(lsb_release -sr) else apt-get -y install \ linux-modules-extra-$(uname -r) fi echo " #-------------------------------------------------- # Install JVB2 #-------------------------------------------------- " echo "jitsi-videobridge jitsi-videobridge/jvb-hostname string $MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN" | debconf-set-selections apt-get -y install \ jitsi-videobridge2 \ openjdk-8-jre-headless echo ' ######################################################################## Start JVB2 configuration ######################################################################## ' mv $JVB2_CONF ${JVB2_CONF}-dpkg-file ## JVB2 - CONFIG cat << JVB2_CONF > $JVB2_CONF # Jitsi Videobridge settings # sets the XMPP domain (default: none) JVB_HOSTNAME=$JVB_HN # sets the hostname of the XMPP server (default: domain if set, localhost otherwise) JVB_HOST=$JVB_HOST # sets the port of the XMPP server (default: 5275) JVB_PORT=$JVB_PORT # sets the shared secret used to authenticate to the XMPP server JVB_SECRET=$JVB_SECRET # extra options to pass to the JVB daemon JVB_OPTS=$JVB_OPTS # adds java system props that are passed to jvb (default are for home and logging config file) JAVA_SYS_PROPS=$SYS_PROPS JVB2_CONF mv $JVB2_SIP $JVB2_SIP-dpkg-file ## JVB2 - SIP cat << JVB2_SIP > $JVB2_SIP # Legacy conf file, new format already at # /etc/jitsi/videobridge/jvb.conf # --add-jvb2-node.sh JVB2_SIP echo -e "\n---- Setting new config format for jvb2 node. ----" sed -i '${/\}/d;}' $JVB2_NCONF cat << JVB2 >> $JVB2_NCONF stats { # Enable broadcasting stats/presence in a MUC enabled = true transports = [ { type = "muc" } ] } apis { xmpp-client { configs { # Connect to the first XMPP server xmpp-server-$ADDUP { hostname="$MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN" domain = "auth.$MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN" username = "jvb" password = "$SHARD_PASS" muc_jids = "JvbBrewery@internal.auth.$MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN" # The muc_nickname must be unique across all jitsi-videobridge instances muc_nickname = "jvb2-$ADDUP" disable_certificate_verification = true } } } } } JVB2 echo -e "\n---- Create random nodesync user ----" useradd -m -g jitsi $NJN_USER echo "$NJN_USER:$NJN_USER_PASS" | chpasswd echo -e "\n---- We'll connect to main server ----" read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to continue..."$'\n' sudo su $NJN_USER -c "ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -b 4096 -o -a 100 -q -N ''" echo "Remote pass: $MJS_USER_PASS" ssh-keyscan -t rsa $MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts ssh $MJS_USER@$MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN sh -c "'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'" < /home/$NJN_USER/.ssh/id_rsa.pub sudo su $NJN_USER -c "ssh-keyscan -t rsa $MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN >> /home/$NJN_USER/.ssh/known_hosts" echo "Writting last node number..." sed -i "$(var_dlim 0_VAR),$(var_dlim 1_VAR){s|LAST=.*|LAST=$ADDUP|}" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "$(var_dlim 0_LAST),$(var_dlim 1_LAST){s|LETS: .*|LETS: $(date -R)|}" add-jvb2-node.sh echo "Last file edition at: $(grep "LETS:" add-jvb2-node.sh|head -n1|awk -F'LETS:' '{print$2}')" #Enable jvb2 services systemctl enable jitsi-videobridge2.service systemctl restart jitsi-videobridge2.service echo -e "\nSending updated add-jvb2-node.sh file to main server sync user...\n" cp $PWD/add-jvb2-node.sh /tmp sudo -u $NJN_USER scp /tmp/add-jvb2-node.sh $MJS_USER@$MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN:/home/$MJS_USER/ rm $PWD/add-jvb2-node.sh /tmp/add-jvb2-node.sh echo " ######################################################################## Node addition complete!! IMPORTANT: The updated version of this file has been sent to the main server at the sync user home directory, please use that one in order to install new nodes. For security reason this version has been deleted from this very node. For customized support: http://switnet.net ######################################################################## " echo "Rebooting in..." secs=$((15)) while [ $secs -gt 0 ]; do echo -ne "$secs\033[0K\r" sleep 1 : $((secs--)) done reboot