#!/bin/bash # Jibri Node Aggregator # SwITNet Ltd © - 2020, https://switnet.net/ # GPLv3 or later. ### 0_LAST EDITION TIME STAMP ### # LETS: AUTOMATED_EDITION_TIME ### 1_LAST EDITION ### #Make sure the file name is the required one if [ ! "$(basename $0)" = "add-jibri-node.sh" ]; then echo "For most cases naming won't matter, for this one it does." echo "Please use the original name for this script: \`add-jibri-node.sh', and run again." exit fi while getopts m: option do case "${option}" in m) MODE=${OPTARG};; \?) echo "Usage: sudo ./add_jibri_node.sh [-m debug]" && exit;; esac done #DEBUG if [ "$MODE" = "debug" ]; then set -x fi #Check admin rights if ! [ "$(id -u)" = 0 ]; then echo "You need to be root or have sudo privileges!" exit 0 fi ### 0_VAR_DEF MAIN_SRV_DIST=TBD MAIN_SRV_REPO=TBD MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN=TBD JibriBrewery=TBD JB_NAME=TBD JB_AUTH_PASS=TBD JB_REC_PASS=TBD THIS_SRV_DIST=$(lsb_release -sc) JITSI_REPO=$(apt-cache policy | grep http | grep jitsi | grep stable | awk '{print $3}' | head -n 1 | cut -d "/" -f1) START=0 LAST=TBD JIBRI_CONF="/etc/jitsi/jibri/jibri.conf" DIR_RECORD="/var/jbrecord" REC_DIR="/home/jibri/finalize_recording.sh" CHD_VER="$(curl -sL https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/LATEST_RELEASE)" GOOGL_REPO="/etc/apt/sources.list.d/dl_google_com_linux_chrome_deb.list" GCMP_JSON="/etc/opt/chrome/policies/managed/managed_policies.json" PUBLIC_IP="$(dig -4 @resolver1.opendns.com ANY myip.opendns.com +short)" ### 1_VAR_DEF # sed limiters for add-jibri-node.sh variables var_dlim() { grep -n $1 add-jibri-node.sh|head -n1|cut -d ":" -f1 } check_var() { if [ -z "$2" ]; then echo "$1 is not defined, please check. Exiting..." exit else echo "$1 is set to: $2" fi } if [ -z "$LAST" ]; then echo "There is an error on the LAST definition, please report." exit elif [ "$LAST" = "TBD" ]; then ADDUP=$((START + 1)) else ADDUP=$((LAST + 1)) fi #Check server and node OS if [ ! "$THIS_SRV_DIST" = "$MAIN_SRV_DIST" ]; then echo "Please use the same OS for the jibri setup on both servers." echo "This server is based on: $THIS_SRV_DIST" echo "The main server record claims is based on: $MAIN_SRV_DIST" exit fi echo " #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Checking initial necessary variables... #-----------------------------------------------------------------------" check_var MAIN_SRV_DIST "$MAIN_SRV_DIST" check_var MAIN_SRV_REPO "$MAIN_SRV_REPO" check_var MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN "$MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN" check_var JibriBrewery "$JibriBrewery" check_var JB_NAME "$JB_NAME" check_var JB_AUTH_PASS "$JB_AUTH_PASS" check_var JB_REC_PASS "$JB_REC_PASS" # Rename hostname for each jibri node hostnamectl set-hostname "jbnode${ADDUP}.${MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN}" sed -i "1i ${PUBLIC_IP} jbnode${ADDUP}.${MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN}" /etc/hosts # Jitsi-Meet Repo echo "Add Jitsi repo" if [ -z "$JITSI_REPO" ]; then echo "deb http://download.jitsi.org $MAIN_SRV_REPO/" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jitsi-$MAIN_SRV_REPO.list wget -qO - https://download.jitsi.org/jitsi-key.gpg.key | apt-key add - elif [ ! "$JITSI_REPO" = "$MAIN_SRV_REPO" ]; then echo "Main and node servers repository don't match, extiting.." exit elif [ "$JITSI_REPO" = "$MAIN_SRV_REPO" ]; then echo "Main and node servers repository match, continuing..." else echo "Jitsi $JITSI_REPO repository already installed" fi check_snd_driver() { modprobe snd-aloop echo "snd-aloop" >> /etc/modules if [ "$(lsmod | grep snd_aloop | head -n 1 | cut -d " " -f1)" = "snd_aloop" ]; then echo " #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Audio driver seems - OK. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------" else echo " #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Your audio driver might not be able to load, once the installation # is complete and server restarted, please run: \`lsmod | grep snd_aloop' # to make sure it did. If not, any feedback for your setup is welcome. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------" read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to continue..."$'\n' fi } # Requirements echo "We'll start by installing system requirements this may take a while please be patient..." apt-get update -q2 apt-get dist-upgrade -yq2 apt-get -y install \ bmon \ curl \ ffmpeg \ git \ htop \ inotify-tools \ rsync \ unzip \ wget echo "# Check and Install HWE kernel if possible..." HWE_VIR_MOD=$(apt-cache madison linux-modules-extra-virtual-hwe-$(lsb_release -sr) 2>/dev/null|head -n1|grep -c "extra-virtual-hwe") if [ "$HWE_VIR_MOD" == "1" ]; then apt-get -y install \ linux-image-generic-hwe-$(lsb_release -sr) \ linux-modules-extra-virtual-hwe-$(lsb_release -sr) else apt-get -y install \ linux-modules-extra-$(uname -r) fi check_snd_driver echo " #-------------------------------------------------- # Install Jibri #-------------------------------------------------- " apt-get -y install \ jibri \ openjdk-8-jre-headless echo "# Installing Google Chrome / ChromeDriver" if [ -f $GOOGL_REPO ]; then echo "Google repository already set." else echo "Installing Google Chrome Stable" wget -q -O - https://dl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | apt-key add - echo "deb http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main" | tee $GOOGL_REPO fi apt-get -q2 update apt-get install -y google-chrome-stable rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dl_google_com_linux_chrome_deb.list if [ -f /usr/local/bin/chromedriver ]; then echo "Chromedriver already installed." else echo "Installing Chromedriver" wget -q https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/$CHD_VER/chromedriver_linux64.zip -O /tmp/chromedriver_linux64.zip unzip /tmp/chromedriver_linux64.zip -d /usr/local/bin/ chown root:root /usr/local/bin/chromedriver chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/chromedriver rm -rf /tpm/chromedriver_linux64.zip fi echo " Check Google Software Working... " /usr/bin/google-chrome --version /usr/local/bin/chromedriver --version | awk '{print$1,$2}' echo ' ######################################################################## Start Jibri configuration ######################################################################## ' echo " Remove Chrome warning... " mkdir -p /etc/opt/chrome/policies/managed echo '{ "CommandLineFlagSecurityWarningsEnabled": false }' > $GCMP_JSON # Recording directory if [ ! -d $DIR_RECORD ]; then mkdir $DIR_RECORD fi chown -R jibri:jibri $DIR_RECORD cat << REC_DIR > $REC_DIR #!/bin/bash RECORDINGS_DIR=$DIR_RECORD echo "This is a dummy finalize script" > /tmp/finalize.out echo "The script was invoked with recordings directory $RECORDINGS_DIR." >> /tmp/finalize.out echo "You should put any finalize logic (renaming, uploading to a service" >> /tmp/finalize.out echo "or storage provider, etc.) in this script" >> /tmp/finalize.out chmod -R 770 \$RECORDINGS_DIR exit 0 REC_DIR chown jibri:jibri $REC_DIR chmod +x $REC_DIR ## New Jibri Config (2020) mv $JIBRI_CONF ${JIBRI_CONF}-dpkg-file cat << NEW_CONF > $JIBRI_CONF // New XMPP environment config. jibri { recording { recordings-directory = $DIR_RECORD finalize-script = $REC_DIR } api { xmpp { environments = [ { // A user-friendly name for this environment name = "$JB_NAME" // A list of XMPP server hosts to which we'll connect xmpp-server-hosts = [ "$MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN" ] // The base XMPP domain xmpp-domain = "$MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN" // The MUC we'll join to announce our presence for // recording and streaming services control-muc { domain = "internal.auth.$MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN" room-name = "$JibriBrewery" nickname = "Live-$ADDUP" } // The login information for the control MUC control-login { domain = "auth.$MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN" username = "jibri" password = "$JB_AUTH_PASS" } // An (optional) MUC configuration where we'll // join to announce SIP gateway services // sip-control-muc { // domain = "domain" // room-name = "room-name" // nickname = "nickname" // } // The login information the selenium web client will use call-login { domain = "recorder.$MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN" username = "recorder" password = "$JB_REC_PASS" } // The value we'll strip from the room JID domain to derive // the call URL strip-from-room-domain = "conference." // How long Jibri sessions will be allowed to last before // they are stopped. A value of 0 allows them to go on // indefinitely usage-timeout = 0 hour // Whether or not we'll automatically trust any cert on // this XMPP domain trust-all-xmpp-certs = true } ] } } } NEW_CONF echo "Writting last node number..." sed -i "$(var_dlim 0_VAR),$(var_dlim 1_VAR){s|LAST=.*|LAST=$ADDUP|}" add-jibri-node.sh sed -i "$(var_dlim 0_LAST),$(var_dlim 1_LAST){s|LETS: .*|LETS: $(date -R)|}" add-jibri-node.sh echo "Last file edition at: $(grep "LETS:" add-jibri-node.sh|head -n1|awk -F'LETS:' '{print$2}')" #Enable jibri services systemctl enable jibri systemctl enable jibri-xorg systemctl enable jibri-icewm echo " ######################################################################## Node addition complete!! for customized support: http://switnet.net ######################################################################## " echo "Rebooting in..." secs=$((15)) while [ $secs -gt 0 ]; do echo -ne "$secs\033[0K\r" sleep 1 : $((secs--)) done reboot