#!/bin/bash # Quick Jibri Installer - *buntu (LTS) based systems. # SwITNet Ltd © - 2022, https://switnet.net/ # GPLv3 or later. { echo "Started at $(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" >> qj-installer.log while getopts m: option do case "${option}" in m) MODE=${OPTARG};; \?) echo "Usage: sudo bash ./$0 [-m debug]" && exit;; esac done #DEBUG if [ "$MODE" = "debug" ]; then set -x fi # SYSTEM SETUP JITSI_REPO=$(apt-cache policy | awk '/jitsi/&&/stable/{print$3}' | awk -F / 'NR==1{print$1}') APACHE_2=$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' apache2 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed") NGINX=$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' nginx 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed") DIST=$(lsb_release -sc) GOOGL_REPO="/etc/apt/sources.list.d/dl_google_com_linux_chrome_deb.list" GOOGLE_ACTIVE_REPO=$(apt-cache policy | awk '/chrome/{print$3}' | awk -F "/" 'NR==1{print$2}') PROSODY_REPO="$(apt-cache policy | awk '/prosody/{print$3}' | awk -F "/" 'NR==1{print$2}')" PUBLIC_IP="$(dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com)" NL="$(printf '\n ')" exit_ifinstalled() { if [ "$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' "$1" 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed")" == "1" ]; then echo " This instance already has $1 installed, exiting... Please try again on a clean system. If you think this is an error, please report to: -> https://github.com/switnet-ltd/quick-jibri-installer/issues" exit fi } exit_ifinstalled jitsi-meet rename_distro() { if [ "$DIST" = "$1" ]; then DIST="$2" fi } #Trisquel distro renaming rename_distro flidas xenial rename_distro etiona bionic rename_distro nabia focal install_ifnot() { if [ "$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' "$1" 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed")" == "1" ]; then echo " $1 is installed, skipping..." else printf "\n---- Installing %s ----" "$1" apt-get -yq2 install "$1" fi } check_serv() { if [ "$APACHE_2" -eq 1 ]; then echo " The recommended setup is using NGINX, exiting... " exit elif [ "$NGINX" -eq 1 ]; then printf "\nWebserver already installed!\n" else printf "\nInstalling nginx webserver!\n" install_ifnot nginx fi } check_snd_driver() { printf "\n# Checking ALSA - Loopback module..." echo "snd-aloop" | tee -a /etc/modules modprobe snd-aloop if [ "$(lsmod|awk '/snd_aloop/{print$1}'|awk 'NR==1')" = "snd_aloop" ]; then echo " #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Audio driver seems - OK. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------" else echo " #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Your audio driver might not be able to load. # We'll check the state of this Jibri with our 'test-jibri-env.sh' tool. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------" #Test tool if [ "$MODE" = "debug" ]; then bash "$PWD"/tools/test-jibri-env.sh -m debug else bash "$PWD"/tools/test-jibri-env.sh fi read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to continue..."$'\n' fi } # sed limiters for add-jibri-node.sh variables var_dlim() { grep -n "$1" add-jibri-node.sh|head -n1|cut -d ":" -f1 } add_prosody_repo() { echo "Add Prosody repo" if [ "$PROSODY_REPO" = "main" ]; then echo "Prosody repository already installed" else echo "deb http://packages.prosody.im/debian $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/prosody.list wget -qO - https://prosody.im/files/prosody-debian-packages.key | apt-key add - fi } dpkg-compare() { dpkg --compare-versions "$(dpkg-query -f='${Version}' --show "$1")" "$2" "$3" } wait_seconds() { secs=$(($1)) while [ $secs -gt 0 ]; do echo -ne "$secs\033[0K\r" sleep 1 : $((secs--)) done } clear printf ' ######################################################################## Welcome to Jitsi/Jibri Installer ######################################################################## by Software, IT & Networks Ltd Featuring: - Jibri Recording and YouTube Streaming - Jibri Recordings Access via Nextcloud - Jigasi Transcription (Advanced) - Customized brandless mode - Recurring changes updater Learn more about these at, Main repository: https://github.com/switnet-ltd/quick-jibri-installer Wiki and documentation: https://github.com/switnet-ltd/quick-jibri-installer/wiki\n' read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to continue..."$'\n' #Check if user is root if ! [ "$(id -u)" = 0 ]; then echo "You need to be root or have sudo privileges!" exit 0 fi printf "\nOS: %s" "$(lsb_release -sd)" if [ "$DIST" = "bionic" ] || \ [ "$DIST" = "focal" ]; then printf "\nGood, this is a supported platform!" else printf "\nSorry, this platform is not supported... exiting" exit fi #Suggest 20.04 LTS release over 18.04 in April 2022 TODAY=$(date +%s) NEXT_LTS_DATE=$(date -d 2022-04-01 +%s) if [ "$DIST" = "bionic" ]; then if [ "$TODAY" -gt "$NEXT_LTS_DATE" ]; then echo " > $(lsb_release -sc), even when it's compatible and functional. We suggest to use the next (LTS) release, for longer support and security reasons." read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to continue..."$'\n' else echo "Bionic is supported." fi fi #Check system resources printf "\n\nVerifying System Resources:" if [ "$(nproc --all)" -lt 4 ];then printf "\nWarning!: The system do not meet the minimum CPU requirements for Jibri to run." printf "\n>> We recommend 4 cores/threads for Jibri!\n" CPU_MIN="N" else printf "\nCPU Cores/Threads: OK (%s)\n" "$(nproc --all)" CPU_MIN="Y" fi sleep .1 ### Test RAM size (8GB min) ### mem_available="$(grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo| grep -o '[0-9]\+')" if [ "$mem_available" -lt 7700000 ]; then printf "\nWarning!: The system do not meet the minimum RAM requirements for Jibri to run." printf "\n>> We recommend 8GB RAM for Jibri!\n\n" MEM_MIN="N" else printf "\nMemory: OK (%s) MiB\n\n" "$((mem_available/1024))" MEM_MIN="Y" fi sleep .1 if [ "$CPU_MIN" = "Y" ] && [ "$MEM_MIN" = "Y" ];then echo "All requirements seems meet!" printf "\n - We hope you have a nice recording/streaming session\n" else printf "CPU (%s)/RAM (%s MiB) does NOT meet minimum recommended requirements!" "$(nproc --all)" "$((mem_available/1024))" printf "\nEven when you can use the videoconferencing sessions, we advice to increase the resources in order to user Jibri.\n\n" while [ "$CONTINUE_LOW_RES" != "yes" ] && [ "$CONTINUE_LOW_RES" != "no" ] do read -p "> Do you want to continue?: (yes or no)$NL" -r CONTINUE_LOW_RES if [ "$CONTINUE_LOW_RES" = "no" ]; then echo " - See you next time with more resources!..." exit elif [ "$CONTINUE_LOW_RES" = "yes" ]; then printf " - We highly recommend to increase the server resources." printf " - Otherwise, please think about adding dedicated jibri nodes instead.\n" fi done fi sleep .1 if [ "$CONTINUE_LOW_RES" = "yes" ]; then echo 'This server will likely have issues due the lack of resources. If you plan to enable other components such as, - JRA via Nextcloud - Jigasi Transcriber - Additional Jibri Nodes - others. >>> We higly recommend to increase resources of this server. <<< For now we advice to disable the Jibri service locally and add an external Jibri node once this installation has finished, using our script: >> add-jibri-node.sh' printf "\nSo you can add a Jibri server on a instance with enough resources.\n\n" sleep .1 while [ "$DISABLE_LOCAL_JIBRI" != "yes" ] && [ "$DISABLE_LOCAL_JIBRI" != "no" ] do read -p "> Do you want to disable local jibri service?: (yes or no)$NL" -r DISABLE_LOCAL_JIBRI if [ "$DISABLE_LOCAL_JIBRI" = "no" ]; then printf " - Please keep in mind that we might not support underpowered servers.\n" elif [ "$DISABLE_LOCAL_JIBRI" = "yes" ]; then printf " - You can add dedicated jibri nodes later, see more at the wiki.\n" fi done fi sleep .1 #Check system oriented porpuse apt-get -yq2 update SYSTEM_DE="$(apt-cache search "ubuntu-(desktop|mate-desktop)"|awk '{print$1}'|xargs|sed 's|$| trisquel triskel trisquel-mini|')" SYSTEM_DE_ARRAY=( "$SYSTEM_DE" ) printf "\nChecking for common desktop system oriented purpose....\n" for de in "${SYSTEM_DE_ARRAY[@]}" do if [ "$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' "$de" 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed")" == "1" ]; then printf "\n > This instance has %s installed, exiting... \nPlease avoid using this installer on a desktop-user oriented GNU/Linux system. This is an unsupported use, as it will likely BREAK YOUR SYSTEM, so please don't." "$de" exit else printf " > No standard desktop environment for user oriented porpuse detected, continuing...\n\n" fi done sleep .1 #Prosody repository add_prosody_repo sleep .1 # Jitsi-Meet Repo printf "\nAdd Jitsi repo\n" if [ "$JITSI_REPO" = "stable" ]; then printf " - Jitsi stable repository already installed\n\n" else echo 'deb http://download.jitsi.org stable/' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jitsi-stable.list wget -qO - https://download.jitsi.org/jitsi-key.gpg.key | apt-key add - JITSI_REPO="stable" fi sleep .1 #Default to LE SSL? while [ "$LE_SSL" != "yes" ] && [ "$LE_SSL" != "no" ] do read -p "> Do you plan to use Let's Encrypt SSL certs?: (yes or no)$NL" -r LE_SSL if [ "$LE_SSL" = yes ]; then printf " - We'll setup Let's Encrypt SSL certs.\n\n" else printf " - We'll let you choose later on for it." printf" Please be aware that a valid SSL cert is required for some features to work properly.\n\n" fi done sleep .1 #Set domain if [ "$LE_SSL" = "yes" ] then while [ "$ANS_JD" != "yes" ] do read -p "> Please set your domain (or subdomain) here: (e.g.: jitsi.domain.com)$NL" -r JITSI_DOMAIN read -p " > Did you mean?: $JITSI_DOMAIN (yes or no)$NL" -r ANS_JD if [ "$ANS_JD" = "yes" ] then echo " - Alright, let's use $JITSI_DOMAIN." else echo " - Please try again." fi done sleep .1 #Sysadmin email while [ -z "$SYSADMIN_EMAIL" ] do read -p "$NL > Set sysadmin email (this is a mandatory field):$NL" -r SYSADMIN_EMAIL done sleep .1 #Simple DNS test if [ "$PUBLIC_IP" = "$(dig -4 +short "$JITSI_DOMAIN"||awk -v RS='([0-9]+\\.){3}[0-9]+' 'RT{print RT}')" ]; then printf "\nServer public IP & DNS record for %s seems to match, continuing..." "$JITSI_DOMAIN" else echo "Server public IP ($PUBLIC_IP) & DNS record for $JITSI_DOMAIN don't seem to match." echo " > Please check your dns records are applied and updated, otherwise components may fail." read -p " > Do you want to continue?: (yes or no)$NL" -r DNS_CONTINUE if [ "$DNS_CONTINUE" = "yes" ]; then echo " - We'll continue anyway..." else echo " - Exiting for now..." exit fi fi fi sleep .1 # Requirements printf "\nWe'll start by installing system requirements this may take a while please be patient...\n" apt-get update -q2 apt-get dist-upgrade -yq2 apt-get -y install \ apt-show-versions \ bmon \ curl \ ffmpeg \ git \ htop \ jq \ net-tools \ rsync \ ssh \ unzip \ wget if [ "$LE_SSL" = "yes" ]; then apt-get -y install \ letsencrypt if [ "$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' ufw 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed")" == "1" ]; then echo "# Disable pre-installed ufw, more on firewall see: > https://github.com/switnet-ltd/quick-jibri-installer/wiki/Firewall" ufw disable fi fi echo "# Check and Install HWE kernel if possible..." HWE_VIR_MOD="$(apt-cache madison linux-image-generic-hwe-"$(lsb_release -sr)" 2>/dev/null|head -n1|grep -c "hwe-$(lsb_release -sr)")" if [ "$HWE_VIR_MOD" = "1" ]; then apt-get -y install \ linux-image-generic-hwe-"$(lsb_release -sr)" \ linux-tools-generic-hwe-"$(lsb_release -sr)" else apt-get -y install \ linux-image-generic \ linux-modules-extra-"$(uname -r)" fi check_serv echo " #-------------------------------------------------- # Install Jitsi Framework #-------------------------------------------------- " if [ "$LE_SSL" = "yes" ]; then echo "set jitsi-meet/cert-choice select Generate a new self-signed certificate (You will later get a chance to obtain a Let's encrypt certificate)" | debconf-set-selections echo "jitsi-videobridge2 jitsi-videobridge/jvb-hostname string $JITSI_DOMAIN" | debconf-set-selections fi apt-get -y install \ jitsi-meet \ jibri \ openjdk-11-jre-headless # Fix RAND_load_file error #https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/7754#issuecomment-444063355 sed -i "/RANDFILE/d" /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf echo " #-------------------------------------------------- # Install NodeJS #-------------------------------------------------- " if [ "$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' nodejs 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok")" == "1" ]; then echo "Nodejs is installed, skipping..." else curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | sudo -E bash - apt-get install -yq2 nodejs echo "Installing nodejs esprima package..." npm install -g esprima fi if [ "$(npm list -g esprima 2>/dev/null | grep -c "empty")" == "1" ]; then echo "Installing nodejs esprima package..." npm install -g esprima elif [ "$(npm list -g esprima 2>/dev/null | grep -c "esprima")" == "1" ]; then echo "Good. Esprima package is already installed" fi CHD_LTST=$(curl -sL https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/LATEST_RELEASE) GCMP_JSON="/etc/opt/chrome/policies/managed/managed_policies.json" echo "# Installing Google Chrome / ChromeDriver" if [ "$GOOGLE_ACTIVE_REPO" = "main" ]; then echo "Google repository already set." else echo "Installing Google Chrome Stable" wget -q -O - https://dl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | apt-key add - echo "deb http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main" | tee "$GOOGL_REPO" fi apt-get -q2 update apt-get install -yq2 google-chrome-stable rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dl_google_com_linux_chrome_deb.list if [ -f /usr/local/bin/chromedriver ]; then echo "Chromedriver already installed." else echo "Installing Chromedriver" wget -q https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/"$CHD_LTST"/chromedriver_linux64.zip \ -O /tmp/chromedriver_linux64.zip unzip -o /tmp/chromedriver_linux64.zip -d /usr/local/bin/ chown root:root /usr/local/bin/chromedriver chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/chromedriver rm -rf /tmp/chromedriver_linux64.zip fi printf "\nCheck Google Software Working...\n" /usr/bin/google-chrome --version /usr/local/bin/chromedriver --version | awk '{print$1,$2}' printf "\nRemove Chrome warning...\n" mkdir -p /etc/opt/chrome/policies/managed echo '{ "CommandLineFlagSecurityWarningsEnabled": false }' > "$GCMP_JSON" ## JMS system tune up if [ "$MODE" = "debug" ]; then bash "$PWD"/mode/jms-stu.sh -m debug else bash "$PWD"/mode/jms-stu.sh fi echo ' ######################################################################## Please Setup Your Installation ######################################################################## ' # MEET / JIBRI SETUP DOMAIN="$(find /etc/prosody/conf.d/ -name \*.lua|awk -F'.cfg' '!/localhost/{print $1}'|xargs basename)" WS_CONF="/etc/nginx/sites-available/$DOMAIN.conf" JB_AUTH_PASS="$(tr -dc "a-zA-Z0-9#*=" < /dev/urandom | fold -w 10 | head -n1)" JB_REC_PASS="$(tr -dc "a-zA-Z0-9#*=" < /dev/urandom | fold -w 10 | head -n1)" PROSODY_FILE="/etc/prosody/conf.d/$DOMAIN.cfg.lua" PROSODY_SYS="/etc/prosody/prosody.cfg.lua" JICOFO_SIP="/etc/jitsi/jicofo/sip-communicator.properties" MEET_CONF="/etc/jitsi/meet/$DOMAIN-config.js" JIBRI_CONF="/etc/jitsi/jibri/jibri.conf" JVB2_CONF="/etc/jitsi/videobridge/config" JVB2_SIP="/etc/jitsi/videobridge/sip-communicator.properties" DIR_RECORD="/var/jbrecord" REC_DIR="/home/jibri/finalize_recording.sh" JB_NAME="Jibri Sessions" LE_RENEW_LOG="/var/log/letsencrypt/renew.log" MOD_LISTU="https://prosody.im/files/mod_listusers.lua" MOD_LIST_FILE="/usr/lib/prosody/modules/mod_listusers.lua" ENABLE_SA="yes" CERTBOT_REPO="$(apt-cache policy | awk '/certbot/{print$2}' | awk -F '/' 'NR==1{print$4}')" CERTBOT_REL_FILE="http://ppa.launchpad.net/certbot/certbot/ubuntu/dists/$(lsb_release -sc)/Release" GC_SDK_REL_FILE="http://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/dists/cloud-sdk-$(lsb_release -sc)/Release" MJS_RAND_TAIL="$(tr -dc "a-zA-Z0-9" < /dev/urandom | fold -w 4 | head -n1)" MJS_USER="jbsync_$MJS_RAND_TAIL" MJS_USER_PASS="$(tr -dc "a-zA-Z0-9#_*=" < /dev/urandom | fold -w 32 | head -n1)" FQDN_HOST="fqdn" JIBRI_XORG_CONF="/etc/jitsi/jibri/xorg-video-dummy.conf" # Rename hostname for jitsi server while [ "$FQDN_HOST" != "yes" ] && [ "$FQDN_HOST" != "no" ] && [ -n "$FQDN_HOST" ] do printf "> Set %s as a fqdn hostname?: (yes or no)\n" "$DOMAIN" && \ read -p "Leave empty to default to your current one ($(hostname -f)):$NL" -r FQDN_HOST if [ "$FQDN_HOST" = "yes" ]; then printf " - %s will be used as fqdn hostname, changes will show on reboot.\n\n" "$DOMAIN" hostnamectl set-hostname "${DOMAIN}" sed -i "1i ${PUBLIC_IP} ${DOMAIN}" /etc/hosts else printf " - %s will be keep.\n\n" "$(hostname -f)" fi done sleep .1 #Language echo "## Setting up Jitsi Meet language ## You can define the language, for a complete list of the supported languages See here: https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet/blob/master/lang/languages.json" printf "Jitsi Meet web interface will be set to use such language.\n\n" sleep .1 read -p "Please set your language (Press enter to default to 'en'):$NL" -r JB_LANG sleep .1 printf "\nWe'll take a minute to localize some UI excerpts if you need.\n\n" sleep .1 #Participant printf "> Do you want to translate 'Participant' to your own language?\n" sleep .1 read -p "Leave empty to use the default one (English):$NL" -r L10N_PARTICIPANT sleep .1 #Me printf "\n> Do you want to translate 'me' to your own language? This must be a really small word to present one self. Some suggestions might be: yo (Spanish) | je (French) | ich (German)\n" sleep .1 read -p "Leave empty to use the default one (English):$NL" -r L10N_ME #Drop unsecure TLS while [ "$DROP_TLS1" != "yes" ] && [ "$DROP_TLS1" != "no" ] do read -p "> Do you want to drop support for unsecure protocols TLSv1.0/1.1 now: (yes or no)$NL" -r DROP_TLS1 if [ "$DROP_TLS1" = "no" ]; then printf " - TLSv1.0/1.1 will remain.\n\n" elif [ "$DROP_TLS1" = "yes" ]; then printf " - TLSv1.0/1.1 will be dropped\n\n" fi done sleep .1 #Brandless Mode while [ "$ENABLE_BLESSM" != "yes" ] && [ "$ENABLE_BLESSM" != "no" ] do read -p "> Do you want to install customized \"brandless mode\"?: (yes or no)$NL" -r ENABLE_BLESSM if [ "$ENABLE_BLESSM" = "no" ]; then printf " - Brandless mode won't be set.\n\n" elif [ "$ENABLE_BLESSM" = "yes" ]; then printf " - Brandless mode will be set.\n\n" fi done sleep .1 #Welcome Page while [ "$ENABLE_WELCP" != "yes" ] && [ "$ENABLE_WELCP" != "no" ] do read -p "> Do you want to disable the Welcome page: (yes or no)$NL" -r ENABLE_WELCP if [ "$ENABLE_WELCP" = "yes" ]; then printf " - Welcome page will be disabled.\n\n" elif [ "$ENABLE_WELCP" = "no" ]; then printf " - Welcome page will be enabled.\n\n" fi done sleep .1 #Close page while [ "$ENABLE_CLOCP" != "yes" ] && [ "$ENABLE_CLOCP" != "no" ] do read -p "> Do you want to enable the close page on room exit: (yes or no)$NL" -r ENABLE_CLOCP if [ "$ENABLE_CLOCP" = "yes" ]; then printf " - Close page will be enabled.\n\n" elif [ "$ENABLE_CLOCP" = "no" ]; then printf " - Close page will be kept disabled.\n\n" fi done sleep .1 # Set authentication method printf "\n> Jitsi Meet Auth Method selection.\n" PS3='Select the authentication method for your Jitsi Meet instance: ' options=("Local" "JWT" "None") select opt in "${options[@]}" do case $opt in "Local") printf "\n > Users are created manually using prosodyctl, only moderators can open a room or launch recording.\n" ENABLE_SC="yes" break ;; "JWT") printf "\n > A external app manage the token usage/creation, like RocketChat does.\n" ENABLE_JWT="yes" break ;; "None") printf "\n > Everyone can access the room as moderators as there is no auth mechanism.\n" break ;; *) echo "Invalid option $REPLY, choose 1, 2 or 3";; esac done sleep .1 # Set jibris default resolution printf "\n> What jibri resolution should be the default for this and all the following jibri nodes?\n" PS3='The more resolution the more resources jibri will require to record properly: ' jib_res=("HD 720" "FHD 1080") select res in "${jib_res[@]}" do case $res in "HD 720") printf "\n > HD (1280x720) is good enough for most cases, and requires a moderate high hw requirements.\n\n" JIBRI_RES="720" break ;; "FHD 1080") printf "\n > Full HD (1920x1080) is the best resolution available, it also requires high hw requirements.\n\n" JIBRI_RES="1080" break ;; *) printf "\nInvalid option «%s», choose 1 or 2\n\n" "$REPLY" ;; esac done sleep .1 if [ "$JIBRI_RES" = "720" ]; then JIBRI_RES_CONF="\"1280x720\"" JIBRI_RES_XORG_CONF="1280 720" fi if [ "$JIBRI_RES" = "1080" ]; then JIBRI_RES_CONF="\"1920x1080\"" JIBRI_RES_XORG_CONF="1920 1080" fi #Jibri Records Access (JRA) via Nextcloud while [ "$ENABLE_NC_ACCESS" != "yes" ] && [ "$ENABLE_NC_ACCESS" != "no" ] do read -p "> Do you want to setup Jibri Records Access via Nextcloud: (yes or no) ( Please check requirements at: https://github.com/switnet-ltd/quick-jibri-installer )$NL" -r ENABLE_NC_ACCESS if [ "$ENABLE_NC_ACCESS" = "no" ]; then printf " - JRA via Nextcloud won't be enabled.\n\n" elif [ "$ENABLE_NC_ACCESS" = "yes" ]; then printf " - JRA via Nextcloud will be enabled.\n\n" fi done sleep .1 #Jigasi if [ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" "$GC_SDK_REL_FILE" )" == "404" ]; then printf "> Sorry Google SDK doesn't have support yet for %s, thus, Jigasi Transcript can't be enable.\n\n" "$(lsb_release -sd)" elif [ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" "$GC_SDK_REL_FILE" )" == "200" ]; then while [ "$ENABLE_TRANSCRIPT" != "yes" ] && [ "$ENABLE_TRANSCRIPT" != "no" ] do read -p "> Do you want to setup Jigasi Transcription: (yes or no) ( Please check requirements at: https://github.com/switnet-ltd/quick-jibri-installer )$NL" -r ENABLE_TRANSCRIPT if [ "$ENABLE_TRANSCRIPT" = "no" ]; then printf " - Jigasi Transcription won't be enabled.\n\n" elif [ "$ENABLE_TRANSCRIPT" = "yes" ]; then printf " - Jigasi Transcription will be enabled.\n\n" fi done else echo "No valid option for Jigasi. Please report this to https://github.com/switnet-ltd/quick-jibri-installer/issues" fi sleep .1 #Grafana while [ "$ENABLE_GRAFANA_DSH" != "yes" ] && [ "$ENABLE_GRAFANA_DSH" != "no" ] do read -p "> Do you want to setup Grafana Dashboard: (yes or no) ( Please check requirements at: https://github.com/switnet-ltd/quick-jibri-installer )$NL" -r ENABLE_GRAFANA_DSH if [ "$ENABLE_GRAFANA_DSH" = "no" ]; then printf " - Grafana Dashboard won't be enabled.\n\n" elif [ "$ENABLE_GRAFANA_DSH" = "yes" ]; then printf " - Grafana Dashboard will be enabled.\n\n" fi done sleep .1 #Docker Etherpad while [ "$ENABLE_DOCKERPAD" != "yes" ] && [ "$ENABLE_DOCKERPAD" != "no" ] do read -p "> Do you want to setup Docker Etherpad: (yes or no)$NL" -r ENABLE_DOCKERPAD if [ "$ENABLE_DOCKERPAD" = "no" ]; then printf " - Docker Etherpad won't be enabled.\n" elif [ "$ENABLE_DOCKERPAD" = "yes" ]; then printf " - Docker Etherpad will be enabled.\n" fi done sleep .1 #Start configuration echo ' ######################################################################## Start Jitsi Framework configuration ######################################################################## ' JibriBrewery=JibriBrewery INT_CONF="/usr/share/jitsi-meet/interface_config.js" INT_CONF_ETC="/etc/jitsi/meet/$DOMAIN-interface_config.js" ssl_wa() { if [ "$LE_SSL" = "yes" ]; then systemctl stop "$1" letsencrypt certonly --standalone --renew-by-default --agree-tos --email "$5" -d "$6" sed -i "s|/etc/jitsi/meet/$3.crt|/etc/letsencrypt/live/$3/fullchain.pem|" "$4" sed -i "s|/etc/jitsi/meet/$3.key|/etc/letsencrypt/live/$3/privkey.pem|" "$4" systemctl restart "$1" #Add cron if [ "$(crontab -l|sed 's|#.*$||g'|grep -c 'weekly certbot renew')" = 0 ];then crontab -l | { cat; echo "@weekly certbot renew --${2} > $LE_RENEW_LOG 2>&1"; } | crontab - else echo "Crontab seems to be already in place, skipping." fi crontab -l fi } enable_letsencrypt() { if [ "$LE_SSL" = "yes" ]; then echo ' #-------------------------------------------------- # Starting LetsEncrypt configuration #-------------------------------------------------- ' #Disabled 'til fixed upstream #bash /usr/share/jitsi-meet/scripts/install-letsencrypt-cert.sh echo "#Set and upgrade certbot PPA if posssible..." if [ "$CERTBOT_REPO" = "certbot" ]; then printf "\nCertbot repository already on the system!\nChecking for updates...\n" apt-get -q2 update apt-get -yq2 dist-upgrade elif [ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" "$CERTBOT_REL_FILE" )" == "200" ]; then printf "\nAdding cerbot (formerly letsencrypt) PPA repository for latest updates\n" echo "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/certbot/certbot/ubuntu $DIST main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/certbot.list apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 75BCA694 apt-get -q2 update apt-get -yq2 dist-upgrade elif [ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" "$CERTBOT_REL_FILE" )" == "404" ]; then printf "\nCertbot PPA is not available for %s just yet, it won't be installed...\n" "$(lsb_release -sc)" fi else echo "SSL setup will be skipped." fi } check_jibri() { if [ "$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' "jibri" 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed")" == "1" ] then systemctl restart jibri systemctl restart jibri-icewm systemctl restart jibri-xorg else echo "Jibri service not installed" fi } # Restarting services restart_services() { systemctl restart jitsi-videobridge2 systemctl restart jicofo systemctl restart prosody check_jibri } # Configure Jvb2 sed -i "/shard.HOSTNAME/s|localhost|$DOMAIN|" /etc/jitsi/videobridge/sip-communicator.properties # Configure Jibri if [ "$ENABLE_SC" = "yes" ]; then if [ ! -f "$MOD_LIST_FILE" ]; then printf "\n-> Adding external module to list prosody users...\n" curl -s "$MOD_LISTU" > "$MOD_LIST_FILE" printf "Now you can check registered users with:\nprosodyctl mod_listusers\n" else printf "Prosody support for listing users seems to be enabled. \ncheck with: prosodyctl mod_listusers\n" fi fi sleep .1 #Enable jibri recording cat << REC-JIBRI >> "$PROSODY_FILE" VirtualHost "recorder.$DOMAIN" modules_enabled = { "ping"; } authentication = "internal_hashed" REC-JIBRI #Enable Jibri withelist sed -i "s|-- muc_lobby_whitelist|muc_lobby_whitelist|" "$PROSODY_FILE" #Fix Jibri conectivity issues sed -i "s|c2s_require_encryption = .*|c2s_require_encryption = false|" "$PROSODY_SYS" sed -i "/c2s_require_encryption = false/a \\ \\ consider_bosh_secure = true" "$PROSODY_SYS" if [ -n "$L10N_PARTICIPANT" ]; then sed -i "s|PART_USER=.*|PART_USER=\"$L10N_PARTICIPANT\"|" jm-bm.sh fi if [ -n "$L10N_ME" ]; then sed -i "s|LOCAL_USER=.*|LOCAL_USER=\"$L10N_ME\"|" jm-bm.sh fi ### Prosody users prosodyctl register jibri auth."$DOMAIN" "$JB_AUTH_PASS" prosodyctl register recorder recorder."$DOMAIN" "$JB_REC_PASS" ## JICOFO # /etc/jitsi/jicofo/sip-communicator.properties cat << BREWERY >> "$JICOFO_SIP" #org.jitsi.jicofo.auth.URL=XMPP:$DOMAIN #org.jitsi.jicofo.auth.URL=EXT_JWT:$DOMAIN org.jitsi.jicofo.jibri.BREWERY=$JibriBrewery@internal.auth.$DOMAIN org.jitsi.jicofo.jibri.PENDING_TIMEOUT=90 #org.jitsi.jicofo.auth.DISABLE_AUTOLOGIN=true BREWERY # Jibri tweaks for /etc/jitsi/meet/$DOMAIN-config.js sed -i "s|conference.$DOMAIN|internal.auth.$DOMAIN|" "$MEET_CONF" #New recording implementation. sed -i "s|// recordingService:|recordingService:|" "$MEET_CONF" sed -i "/recordingService/,/hideStorageWarning/s|// enabled: false,| enabled: true,|" "$MEET_CONF" sed -i "/hideStorageWarning: false/,/Local recording configuration/s|// },|},|" "$MEET_CONF" sed -i "s|// liveStreamingEnabled: false,|liveStreamingEnabled: true,\\ \\ hiddenDomain: \'recorder.$DOMAIN\',|" "$MEET_CONF" #Setup main language if [ -z "$JB_LANG" ] || [ "$JB_LANG" = "en" ]; then echo "Leaving English (en) as default language..." sed -i "s|// defaultLanguage: 'en',|defaultLanguage: 'en',|" "$MEET_CONF" else echo "Changing default language to: $JB_LANG" sed -i "s|// defaultLanguage: 'en',|defaultLanguage: \'$JB_LANG\',|" "$MEET_CONF" fi # Recording directory if [ ! -d "$DIR_RECORD" ]; then mkdir "$DIR_RECORD" fi chown -R jibri:jibri "$DIR_RECORD" cat << REC_DIR > "$REC_DIR" #!/bin/bash RECORDINGS_DIR="$DIR_RECORD" echo "This is a dummy finalize script" > /tmp/finalize.out echo "The script was invoked with recordings directory $RECORDINGS_DIR." >> /tmp/finalize.out echo "You should put any finalize logic (renaming, uploading to a service" >> /tmp/finalize.out echo "or storage provider, etc.) in this script" >> /tmp/finalize.out chmod -R 770 \$RECORDINGS_DIR LJF_PATH="\$(find \$RECORDINGS_DIR -exec stat --printf="%Y\t%n\n" {} \; | sort -n -r|awk '{print\$2}'| grep -v "meta\|-" | head -n1)" NJF_NAME="\$(find \$LJF_PATH |grep -e "-"|sed "s|\$LJF_PATH/||"|cut -d "." -f1)" NJF_PATH="\$RECORDINGS_DIR/\$NJF_NAME" mv \$LJF_PATH \$NJF_PATH exit 0 REC_DIR chown jibri:jibri "$REC_DIR" chmod +x "$REC_DIR" ## New Jibri Config (2020) mv "$JIBRI_CONF" ${JIBRI_CONF}-dpkg-file cat << NEW_CONF > "$JIBRI_CONF" // New XMPP environment config. jibri { streaming { // A list of regex patterns for allowed RTMP URLs. The RTMP URL used // when starting a stream must match at least one of the patterns in // this list. rtmp-allow-list = [ // By default, all services are allowed ".*" ] } ffmpeg { resolution = $JIBRI_RES_CONF } chrome { // The flags which will be passed to chromium when launching flags = [ "--use-fake-ui-for-media-stream", "--start-maximized", "--kiosk", "--enabled", "--disable-infobars", "--autoplay-policy=no-user-gesture-required", "--ignore-certificate-errors", "--disable-dev-shm-usage" ] } stats { enable-stats-d = true } call-status-checks { // If all clients have their audio and video muted and if Jibri does not // detect any data stream (audio or video) comming in, it will stop // recording after NO_MEDIA_TIMEOUT expires. no-media-timeout = 30 seconds // If all clients have their audio and video muted, Jibri consideres this // as an empty call and stops the recording after ALL_MUTED_TIMEOUT expires. all-muted-timeout = 10 minutes // When detecting if a call is empty, Jibri takes into consideration for how // long the call has been empty already. If it has been empty for more than // DEFAULT_CALL_EMPTY_TIMEOUT, it will consider it empty and stop the recording. default-call-empty-timeout = 30 seconds } recording { recordings-directory = "$DIR_RECORD" finalize-script = "$REC_DIR" } api { xmpp { environments = [ { // A user-friendly name for this environment name = "$JB_NAME" // A list of XMPP server hosts to which we'll connect xmpp-server-hosts = [ "$DOMAIN" ] // The base XMPP domain xmpp-domain = "$DOMAIN" // The MUC we'll join to announce our presence for // recording and streaming services control-muc { domain = "internal.auth.$DOMAIN" room-name = "$JibriBrewery" nickname = "Live" } // The login information for the control MUC control-login { domain = "auth.$DOMAIN" username = "jibri" password = "$JB_AUTH_PASS" } // An (optional) MUC configuration where we'll // join to announce SIP gateway services // sip-control-muc { // domain = "domain" // room-name = "room-name" // nickname = "nickname" // } // The login information the selenium web client will use call-login { domain = "recorder.$DOMAIN" username = "recorder" password = "$JB_REC_PASS" } // The value we'll strip from the room JID domain to derive // the call URL strip-from-room-domain = "conference." // How long Jibri sessions will be allowed to last before // they are stopped. A value of 0 allows them to go on // indefinitely usage-timeout = 0 hour // Whether or not we'll automatically trust any cert on // this XMPP domain trust-all-xmpp-certs = true } ] } } } NEW_CONF #Jibri xorg resolution sed -i "s|[[:space:]]Virtual .*|Virtual $JIBRI_RES_XORG_CONF|" "$JIBRI_XORG_CONF" #Create receiver user useradd -m -g jibri "$MJS_USER" echo "$MJS_USER:$MJS_USER_PASS" | chpasswd #Create ssh key and restrict connections sudo su "$MJS_USER" -c "ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -b 4096 -o -a 100 -q -N ''" #Allow password authentication sed -i "s|PasswordAuthentication .*|PasswordAuthentication yes|" /etc/ssh/sshd_config systemctl restart sshd #Setting varibales for add-jibri-node.sh sed -i "s|MAIN_SRV_DIST=.*|MAIN_SRV_DIST=\"$DIST\"|" add-jibri-node.sh sed -i "s|MAIN_SRV_REPO=.*|MAIN_SRV_REPO=\"$JITSI_REPO\"|" add-jibri-node.sh sed -i "s|MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN=.*|MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN=\"$DOMAIN\"|" add-jibri-node.sh sed -i "s|JB_NAME=.*|JB_NAME=\"$JB_NAME\"|" add-jibri-node.sh sed -i "s|JibriBrewery=.*|JibriBrewery=\"$JibriBrewery\"|" add-jibri-node.sh sed -i "s|JB_AUTH_PASS=.*|JB_AUTH_PASS=\"$JB_AUTH_PASS\"|" add-jibri-node.sh sed -i "s|JB_REC_PASS=.*|JB_REC_PASS=\"$JB_REC_PASS\"|" add-jibri-node.sh sed -i "s|MJS_USER=.*|MJS_USER=\"$MJS_USER\"|" add-jibri-node.sh sed -i "s|MJS_USER_PASS=.*|MJS_USER_PASS=\"$MJS_USER_PASS\"|" add-jibri-node.sh sed -i "s|JIBRI_RES_CONF=.*|JIBRI_RES_CONF=\"$JIBRI_RES_CONF\"|" add-jibri-node.sh sed -i "s|JIBRI_RES_XORG_CONF=.*|JIBRI_RES_XORG_CONF=\"$JIBRI_RES_XORG_CONF\"|" add-jibri-node.sh sed -i "$(var_dlim 0_LAST),$(var_dlim 1_LAST){s|LETS: .*|LETS: $(date -R)|}" add-jibri-node.sh echo "Last file edition at: $(grep "LETS:" add-jibri-node.sh|head -n1|awk -F'LETS:' '{print$2}')" #-- Setting variables for add-jvb2-node.sh g_conf_value() { grep "$1" "$JVB2_CONF"|sed "s|$1||" } JVB_HOSTNAME=$(g_conf_value JVB_HOSTNAME=) JVB_HOST=$(g_conf_value JVB_HOST=) JVB_PORT=$(g_conf_value JVB_PORT=) JVB_SECRET=$(g_conf_value JVB_SECRET=) JVB_OPTS=$(g_conf_value JVB_OPTS=) JAVA_SYS_PROPS=$(g_conf_value JAVA_SYS_PROPS=) g_sip_value() { grep "$1" "$JVB2_SIP" |cut -d "=" -f2 } DISABLE_AWS_HARVESTER=$(g_sip_value DISABLE_AWS_HARVESTER=) STUN_MAPPING_HARVESTER_ADDRESSES=$(g_sip_value STUN_MAPPING_HARVESTER_ADDRESSES=) ENABLE_STATISTICS=$(g_sip_value ENABLE_STATISTICS=) SHARD_HOSTNAME=$(g_sip_value shard.HOSTNAME=) SHARD_DOMAIN=$(g_sip_value shard.DOMAIN=) SHARD_PASSWORD=$(g_sip_value shard.PASSWORD=) MUC_JID=$(g_sip_value MUC_JIDS=) ##-- Replacing on add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|JVB_HOSTNAME=.*|JVB_HOSTNAME=$JVB_HOSTNAME|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|JVB_HOST=.*|JVB_HOST=$JVB_HOST|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|JVB_PORT=.*|JVB_PORT=$JVB_PORT|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|JVB_SECRET=.*|JVB_SECRET=$JVB_SECRET|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|JVB_OPTS=.*|JVB_OPTS=$JVB_OPTS|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|SYS_PROPS=.*|SYS_PROPS=$JAVA_SYS_PROPS|" add-jvb2-node.sh #- sed -i "s|AWS_HARVEST=.*|AWS_HARVEST=$DISABLE_AWS_HARVESTER|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|STUN_MAPPING=.*|STUN_MAPPING=$STUN_MAPPING_HARVESTER_ADDRESSES|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|ENABLE_STATISTICS=.*|ENABLE_STATISTICS=$ENABLE_STATISTICS|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|SHARD_HOSTNAME=.*|SHARD_HOSTNAME=$SHARD_HOSTNAME|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|SHARD_DOMAIN=.*|SHARD_DOMAIN=$SHARD_DOMAIN|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|SHARD_PASS=.*|SHARD_PASS=$SHARD_PASSWORD|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|MUC_JID=.*|MUC_JID=$MUC_JID|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|MAIN_SRV_DIST=.*|MAIN_SRV_DIST=\"$DIST\"|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|MAIN_SRV_REPO=.*|MAIN_SRV_REPO=\"$JITSI_REPO\"|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN=.*|MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN=\"$DOMAIN\"|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|MJS_USER=.*|MJS_USER=\"$MJS_USER\"|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|MJS_USER_PASS=.*|MJS_USER_PASS=\"$MJS_USER_PASS\"|" add-jvb2-node.sh ##-- #Tune webserver for Jitsi App control if [ -f "$WS_CONF" ]; then sed -i "/# ensure all static content can always be found first/i \\\n" "$WS_CONF" sed -i "/# ensure all static content can always be found first/i \ \ \ \ location = \/external_api.min.js {" "$WS_CONF" sed -i "/# ensure all static content can always be found first/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ alias \/usr\/share\/jitsi-meet\/libs\/external_api.min.js;" "$WS_CONF" sed -i "/# ensure all static content can always be found first/i \ \ \ \ }" "$WS_CONF" sed -i "/# ensure all static content can always be found first/i \\\n" "$WS_CONF" systemctl reload nginx else echo "No app configuration done to server file, please report to: -> https://github.com/switnet-ltd/quick-jibri-installer/issues" fi #Static avatar if [ "$ENABLE_SA" = "yes" ] && [ -f "$WS_CONF" ]; then cp images/avatar2.png /usr/share/jitsi-meet/images/ sed -i "/location \/external_api.min.js/i \ \ \ \ location \~ \^\/avatar\/\(.\*\)\\\.png {" "$WS_CONF" sed -i "/location \/external_api.min.js/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ alias /usr/share/jitsi-meet/images/avatar2.png;" "$WS_CONF" sed -i "/location \/external_api.min.js/i \ \ \ \ }\\ \ " "$WS_CONF" sed -i "/RANDOM_AVATAR_URL_PREFIX/ s|false|\'https://$DOMAIN/avatar/\'|" "$INT_CONF" sed -i "/RANDOM_AVATAR_URL_SUFFIX/ s|false|\'.png\'|" "$INT_CONF" fi #nginx -tlsv1/1.1 if [ "$DROP_TLS1" = "yes" ];then printf "\nDropping TLSv1/1.1\n\n" sed -i "s|TLSv1 TLSv1.1||" /etc/nginx/nginx.conf elif [ "$DROP_TLS1" = "no" ];then printf "\nNo TLSv1/1.1 dropping was done.\n\n" else echo "No condition meet, please report to https://github.com/switnet-ltd/quick-jibri-installer/issues " fi sleep .1 #================== Setup prosody conf file ================= ###Setup secure rooms if [ "$ENABLE_SC" = "yes" ]; then SRP_STR=$(grep -n "VirtualHost \"$DOMAIN\"" "$PROSODY_FILE" | awk -F ':' 'NR==1{print$1}') SRP_END=$((SRP_STR + 10)) sed -i "$SRP_STR,$SRP_END{s|authentication = \"jitsi-anonymous\"|authentication = \"internal_hashed\"|}" "$PROSODY_FILE" sed -i "s|// anonymousdomain: 'guest.example.com'|anonymousdomain: \'guest.$DOMAIN\'|" "$MEET_CONF" #Secure room initial user read -p "Set username for secure room moderator:$NL" -r SEC_ROOM_USER read -p "Secure room moderator password:$NL" -r SEC_ROOM_PASS prosodyctl register "$SEC_ROOM_USER" "$DOMAIN" "$SEC_ROOM_PASS" sleep .1 printf "\nSecure rooms are being enabled...\n" echo "You'll be able to login Secure Room chat with '${SEC_ROOM_USER}' \ or '${SEC_ROOM_USER}@${DOMAIN}' using the password you just entered. If you have issues with the password refer to your sysadmin." sed -i "s|#org.jitsi.jicofo.auth.URL=XMPP:|org.jitsi.jicofo.auth.URL=XMPP:|" "$JICOFO_SIP" sed -i "s|SEC_ROOM=.*|SEC_ROOM=\"on\"|" jm-bm.sh fi sleep .1 ###JWT if [ "$ENABLE_JWT" = "yes" ]; then printf "\nJWT auth is being setup...\n" if [ "$MODE" = "debug" ]; then bash "$PWD"/mode/jwt.sh -m debug else bash "$PWD"/mode/jwt.sh fi fi sleep .1 #Guest allow #Change back lobby - https://community.jitsi.org/t/64769/136 if [ "$ENABLE_SC" = "yes" ];then cat << P_SR >> "$PROSODY_FILE" -- #Change back lobby - https://community.jitsi.org/t/64769/136 VirtualHost "guest.$DOMAIN" authentication = "anonymous" c2s_require_encryption = false speakerstats_component = "speakerstats.$DOMAIN" main_muc = "conference.$DOMAIN" modules_enabled = { "speakerstats"; } P_SR fi #====================== # Custom settings #Start with video muted by default sed -i "s|// startWithVideoMuted: false,|startWithVideoMuted: true,|" "$MEET_CONF" #Start with audio muted but admin sed -i "s|// startAudioMuted: 10,|startAudioMuted: 1,|" "$MEET_CONF" #Disable/enable welcome page if [ "$ENABLE_WELCP" = "yes" ]; then sed -i "s|.*enableWelcomePage:.*| enableWelcomePage: false,|" "$MEET_CONF" elif [ "$ENABLE_WELCP" = "no" ]; then sed -i "s|.*enableWelcomePage:.*| enableWelcomePage: true,|" "$MEET_CONF" fi #Enable close page if [ "$ENABLE_CLOCP" = "yes" ]; then sed -i "s|.*enableClosePage:.*| enableClosePage: true,|" "$MEET_CONF" elif [ "$ENABLE_CLOCP" = "no" ]; then sed -i "s|.*enableClosePage:.*| enableClosePage: false,|" "$MEET_CONF" fi #Add pre-join screen by default, since it improves YouTube autoplay capabilities #pre-join screen by itself don't require autorization by moderator, don't confuse with lobby which does. sed -i "s|// prejoinPageEnabled:.*|prejoinPageEnabled: true,|" "$MEET_CONF" #Set HD resolution and widescreen format sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \/\/ Start QJI - Set resolution and widescreen format" "$MEET_CONF" sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ resolution: 720," "$MEET_CONF" sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ constraints: {" "$MEET_CONF" sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ \ \ aspectRatio: 16 \/ 9," "$MEET_CONF" sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ video: {" "$MEET_CONF" sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ height: {" "$MEET_CONF" sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ideal: 720," "$MEET_CONF" sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ max: 720," "$MEET_CONF" sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ min: 180" "$MEET_CONF" sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ }," "$MEET_CONF" sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ width: {" "$MEET_CONF" sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ideal: 1280," "$MEET_CONF" sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ max: 1280," "$MEET_CONF" sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ min: 320" "$MEET_CONF" sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ }" "$MEET_CONF" sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ }" "$MEET_CONF" sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ \ }," "$MEET_CONF" sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \/\/ End QJI" "$MEET_CONF" #Check config file printf "\n# Checking %s file for errors\n" "$MEET_CONF" CHECKJS=$(esvalidate "$MEET_CONF"| cut -d ":" -f2) if [ -z "$CHECKJS" ]; then printf "\n# The %s configuration seems correct. =)\n" "$MEET_CONF" else echo -e "\nWatch out!, there seems to be an issue on $MEET_CONF line: $CHECKJS Most of the times this is due upstream changes, please report to https://github.com/switnet-ltd/quick-jibri-installer/issues\n" fi #Enable jibri services systemctl enable jibri systemctl enable jibri-xorg systemctl enable jibri-icewm restart_services if [ "$DISABLE_LOCAL_JIBRI" = "yes" ]; then systemctl stop jibri* systemctl disable jibri systemctl disable jibri-xorg systemctl disable jibri-icewm # Manually apply permissions since finalize_recording.sh won't be triggered under this server options. chmod -R 770 "$DIR_RECORD" fi enable_letsencrypt # Fix prosody not able to read SSL Certs chown -R root:prosody /etc/prosody/certs/ chmod -R 650 /etc/prosody/certs/ #SSL workaround if [ "$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' nginx 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed")" -eq 1 ]; then ssl_wa nginx nginx "$DOMAIN" "$WS_CONF" "$SYSADMIN_EMAIL" "$DOMAIN" install_ifnot python3-certbot-nginx else echo "No webserver found please report." fi #Brandless Mode if [ "$ENABLE_BLESSM" = "yes" ]; then echo "Custom brandless mode will be enabled." sed -i "s|ENABLE_BLESSM=.*|ENABLE_BLESSM=\"on\"|" jitsi-updater.sh if [ "$MODE" = "debug" ]; then bash "$PWD"/jm-bm.sh -m debug else bash "$PWD"/jm-bm.sh fi fi # Applying best practives for interface config.js printf "\n> Setting up custom interface_config.js according to best practices." cp "$INT_CONF" "$INT_CONF_ETC" #Tune webserver for interface_config.js if [ -f "$WS_CONF" ]; then sed -i "/external_api.js/i \\\n" "$WS_CONF" sed -i "/external_api.js/i \ \ \ \ location = \/interface_config.js {" "$WS_CONF" sed -i "/external_api.js/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ alias \/etc\/jitsi\/meet\/$DOMAIN-interface_config.js;" "$WS_CONF" sed -i "/external_api.js/i \ \ \ \ }" "$WS_CONF" sed -i "/external_api.js/i \\\n" "$WS_CONF" systemctl reload nginx else echo "No interface_config.js configuration done to server file, please report to: -> https://github.com/switnet-ltd/quick-jibri-installer/issues" fi #JRA via Nextcloud if [ "$ENABLE_NC_ACCESS" = "yes" ]; then printf "\nJRA via Nextcloud will be enabled." if [ "$MODE" = "debug" ]; then bash "$PWD"/jra_nextcloud.sh -m debug else bash "$PWD"/jra_nextcloud.sh fi fi sleep .1 #Grafana Dashboard if [ "$ENABLE_GRAFANA_DSH" = "yes" ]; then printf "\nGrafana Dashboard will be enabled." if [ "$MODE" = "debug" ]; then bash "$PWD"/grafana.sh -m debug else bash "$PWD"/grafana.sh fi fi sleep .1 #Docker Etherpad if [ "$ENABLE_DOCKERPAD" = "yes" ]; then printf "\nDocker Etherpad will be enabled." if [ "$MODE" = "debug" ]; then bash "$PWD"/etherpad-docker.sh -m debug else bash "$PWD"/etherpad-docker.sh fi fi sleep .1 #Prevent JMS conecction issue if [ -z "$(awk "/$DOMAIN/{print\$1}" /etc/hosts)" ];then sed -i "/ \\ $DOMAIN" /etc/hosts else echo "Local host already in place..." fi check_snd_driver echo " ######################################################################## Installation complete!! for customized support: http://switnet.net ######################################################################## " apt-get -y autoremove apt-get autoclean echo "Rebooting in..." wait_seconds 15 } > >(tee -a qj-installer.log) 2> >(tee -a qj-installer.log >&2) reboot