From 2ba9b07b8c8bcddf2003943926c00329ad8ce96a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Luis Guzman Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2020 09:19:06 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Initial Home page --- | 780 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 780 insertions(+) create mode 100644 diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4a0eee0 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,780 @@ +# Instalación de GeoNode + +## Requisitos Mínimos + +* SO: Ubuntu 18.04 +* RAM: 6 GB +* Dominio: + +## Componentes + +* Servidor GeoNode v2.10.x + * PostgreSQL + * nginx +* GeoSafe +* Risk Tools +* Java 8 + +## Servidor GeoNode + +Proceso de instalación del servidor GeoNode + +### Instalación de dependencias + +Paquetes usados para GeoNode Core, + +``` +sudo apt update +sudo apt-get install -y python-gdal gdal-bin \ + python-paver python-pip python-dev python-virtualenv virtualenvwrapper \ + libxml2 libxml2-dev gettext \ + libxslt1-dev libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libpq-dev libgdal-dev libgdal20 \ + software-properties-common build-essential \ + git unzip gcc zlib1g-dev libgeos-dev libproj-dev \ + sqlite3 spatialite-bin libsqlite3-mod-spatialite +``` + +Paquete del Kit de Desarrollo Java (OpenJDK), asegurese que se usa la versión de Java 8.0 (y no la versión 11). + +``` +sudo apt install -y openjdk-8-jdk-headless default-jdk-headless && \ +sudo update-java-alternatives --jre-headless --jre --set java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64 +java -version +``` + +Let's Encrypt stack, + +``` +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot && \ +sudo apt update -y ; sudo apt install python-certbot-nginx -y +``` + +Actualizar y limpiar sistema en general + +``` +sudo apt update +sudo apt -y dist-upgrade +sudo apt -y autoremove +sudo apt -y autoclean +``` + +### Crear usuario dedicado + +El usuario definido para estas tareas tendrá pertenecerá al grupo sudo, por lo que tendrá derechos administrativos. + +``` +sudo adduser geonode +sudo usermod -aG sudo geonode +su geonode +``` + +### Establecimiento de Ambiente de Trabajo GeoNode + +Creación de folder geonode + +``` +source /usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/ +mkvirtualenv geonode +``` + +Guardar permanentemente el ambiente virtualenvwrapper, + +``` +cat << VENV >> ~/.bashrc + +export WORKON_HOME=/home/geonode/.virtualenvs +source /usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/ +VENV +``` + +Crear directorio base GeoNode, + +``` +sudo mkdir -p /opt/geonode/ +sudo usermod -a -G www-data geonode +sudo chown -Rf geonode:www-data /opt/geonode/ +sudo chmod -Rf 775 /opt/geonode/ +``` + +Clonamos repositorio, Importante: Usaremos la rama estable 2.10.x + +``` +cd /opt +git clone -b 2.10.x geonode + +cd /opt/geonode +git checkout 2.10.x +pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade --no-cache --no-cache-dir +pip install -e . --upgrade + +pip install pygdal=="`gdal-config --version`.*" +cd $HOME +``` + +### Base de Datos PostgreSQL - PostGIS + +Agregar versión superior a los repositorios, v11. + +``` +sudo sh -c 'echo "deb `lsb_release -cs`-pgdg main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list' +sudo wget --no-check-certificate --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add - + +sudo apt update +sudo apt install -y postgresql-11 postgresql-11-postgis-2.5 postgresql-11-postgis-2.5-scripts postgresql-contrib-11 postgresql-client-11 +``` + +Creación de bases de datos: + +* geonode +* geonode_data + +#### Usuario de base de datos + +``` +sudo -u postgres createuser -P geonode +``` + +Elija una contraseña y guárdela, para fines de ejemplo usaremos '*geonode*'. + +Crear base de datos, + +``` +sudo -u postgres createdb -O geonode geonode +sudo -u postgres createdb -O geonode geonode_data +``` + +Configurar base para extensión PostGIS, + +``` +sudo -u postgres psql -d geonode_data -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis;' +sudo -u postgres psql -d geonode_data -c 'GRANT ALL ON geometry_columns TO PUBLIC;' +sudo -u postgres psql -d geonode_data -c 'GRANT ALL ON spatial_ref_sys TO PUBLIC;' +sudo -u postgres psql -d geonode_data -c 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO geonode;' +``` + +Finalmente editar las políticas de acceso de usuario, + +``` +sudo nano /etc/postgresql/11/main/pg_hba.conf +``` + +Encuentra la línea peer y edítela para verse de la siguiente manera, + +``` +#local all all peer +local all all trust +``` + +Reiniciar postgresql, + +``` +sudo service postgresql restart +``` + +En caso de necesitar probar la conexión se puede ejecutar, + +``` +psql -U geonode geonode +\q +``` + +### GeoServer + +GeoServer es un componente básico para GeoNode y para ejecutarse de manera estable se usará Apache Tomcat 8 como contenedor Java Servlet, asegurese de estár usando Java 8 + +``` +java -version + +sudo wget +sudo tar xzf apache-tomcat-8.5.54.tar.gz +sudo mv apache-tomcat-8.5.54 /usr/local/apache-tomcat8 + +sudo useradd -m -U -s /bin/false tomcat +sudo usermod -a -G www-data tomcat +sudo sed -i -e 's/xom-\*\.jar/xom-\*\.jar,bcprov\*\.jar/g' /usr/local/apache-tomcat8/conf/ + +export JAVA_HOME=$(readlink -f /usr/bin/java | sed "s:bin/java::") +echo 'JAVA_HOME='$JAVA_HOME | sudo tee -a /usr/local/apache-tomcat8/bin/ + +sudo usermod -a -G www-data tomcat + +sudo sh -c 'chmod +x /usr/local/apache-tomcat8/bin/*.sh' +sudo chown -Rf tomcat:www-data /usr/local/apache-tomcat8 +``` + +Crear un servicio para el inicio de tomcat, + +``` +sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/tomcat.service + + +[Unit] +Description=Tomcat 8.5 servlet container + +[Service] +Type=forking + +User=tomcat +Group=tomcat + +Environment="JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/default-java" +Environment="" + +Environment="CATALINA_BASE=/usr/local/apache-tomcat8" +Environment="CATALINA_HOME=/usr/local/apache-tomcat8" +Environment="CATALINA_PID=/usr/local/apache-tomcat8/temp/" + +ExecStart=/usr/local/apache-tomcat8/bin/ +ExecStop=/usr/local/apache-tomcat8/bin/ + +[Install] +``` + +Probar el servicio con, + +``` +sudo systemctl daemon-reload +sudo systemctl restart tomcat +sudo systemctl status tomcat.service +``` + +activarlo por default con, + +``` +sudo systemctl enable tomcat +``` + +Preparar directororio GeoServer data y logs, + +``` +sudo mkdir -p /opt/data +sudo chown -Rf geonode:www-data /opt/data +sudo chmod -Rf 775 /opt/data +sudo mkdir -p /opt/data/logs +sudo chown -Rf geonode:www-data /opt/data/logs +sudo chmod -Rf 775 /opt/data/logs + +# Download and extract the default GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR +#GeoNode 2.10.x !> GeoServer 2.14.x +sudo wget --no-check-certificate +sudo unzip -q -d /opt/data/ + +sudo mv /opt/data/data/ /opt/data/geoserver_data +sudo chown -Rf tomcat:www-data /opt/data/geoserver_data +sudo chmod -Rf 775 /opt/data/geoserver_data + +sudo mkdir -p /opt/data/geoserver_logs +sudo chown -Rf tomcat:www-data /opt/data/geoserver_logs +sudo chmod -Rf 775 /opt/data/geoserver_logs + +sudo mkdir -p /opt/data/gwc_cache_dir +sudo chown -Rf tomcat:www-data /opt/data/gwc_cache_dir +sudo chmod -Rf 775 /opt/data/gwc_cache_dir + +# Download and install GeoServer +sudo wget --no-check-certificate +sudo mv geoserver-2.14.4.war /usr/local/apache-tomcat8/webapps/geoserver.war +``` + +\ +Configurar opciones del servelt java, + +``` +sudo sed -i -e "s/JAVA_OPTS=/#JAVA_OPTS=/g" /usr/local/apache-tomcat8/bin/ + +echo ' +GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR="/opt/data/geoserver_data" +GEOSERVER_LOG_LOCATION="/opt/data/geoserver_logs/geoserver.log" +GEOWEBCACHE_CACHE_DIR="/opt/data/gwc_cache_dir" +GEOFENCE_DIR="$GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR/geofence" +TIMEZONE="UTC" + +JAVA_OPTS="-server -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dorg.geotools.shapefile.datetime=true -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 -Duser.timezone=$TIMEZONE -Xms512m -Xmx4096m -Djavax.servlet.request.encoding=UTF-8 -Djavax.servlet.response.encoding=UTF-8 -DGEOSERVER_CSRF_DISABLED=true -DGEOSERVER_DATA_DIR=$GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR -Dgeofence.dir=$GEOFENCE_DIR -DGEOSERVER_LOG_LOCATION=$GEOSERVER_LOG_LOCATION -DGEOWEBCACHE_CACHE_DIR=$GEOWEBCACHE_CACHE_DIR"'| sudo tee -a /usr/local/apache-tomcat8/bin/ +``` + +Reiniciar servidor para aplicar cambios, + +``` +sudo systemctl daemon-reload +sudo systemctl restart tomcat +sudo systemctl status tomcat.service +``` + +Revisar que no haya errores en los registros de inicio, + +``` +sudo tail -F -n 300 /opt/data/geoserver_logs/geoserver.log +``` + +Debería lucir algo como, + +``` +2019-05-31 10:06:34,281 INFO [geoserver.wps] - Found 89 bindable processes in Deprecated processes +2019-05-31 10:06:34,298 INFO [geoserver.wps] - Found 31 bindable processes in Vector processes +2019-05-31 10:06:34,307 INFO [geoserver.wps] - Found 48 bindable processes in Geometry processes +2019-05-31 10:06:34,307 INFO [geoserver.wps] - Found 1 bindable processes in PolygonLabelProcess +2019-05-31 10:06:34,311 INFO [geoserver.wps] - Blacklisting process ras:ConvolveCoverage as the input kernel of type class cannot be handled +2019-05-31 10:06:34,319 INFO [geoserver.wps] - Blacklisting process ras:RasterZonalStatistics2 as the input zones of type class java.lang.Object cannot be handled +2019-05-31 10:06:34,320 INFO [geoserver.wps] - Blacklisting process ras:RasterZonalStatistics2 as the input nodata of type class it.geosolutions.jaiext.range.Range cannot be handled +2019-05-31 10:06:34,320 INFO [geoserver.wps] - Blacklisting process ras:RasterZonalStatistics2 as the input rangeData of type class java.lang.Object cannot be handled +2019-05-31 10:06:34,320 INFO [geoserver.wps] - Blacklisting process ras:RasterZonalStatistics2 as the output zonal statistics of type interface java.util.List cannot be handled +2019-05-31 10:06:34,321 INFO [geoserver.wps] - Found 18 bindable processes in Raster processes +2019-05-31 10:06:34,917 INFO [ows.OWSHandlerMapping] - Mapped URL path [/TestWfsPost] onto handler 'wfsTestServlet' +2019-05-31 10:06:34,918 INFO [ows.OWSHandlerMapping] - Mapped URL path [/wfs/*] onto handler 'dispatcher' +2019-05-31 10:06:34,918 INFO [ows.OWSHandlerMapping] - Mapped URL path [/wfs] onto handler 'dispatcher' +2019-05-31 10:06:42,237 INFO [] - Start reloading user/groups for service named default +2019-05-31 10:06:42,241 INFO [] - Reloading user/groups successful for service named default +2019-05-31 10:06:42,357 WARN [auth.GeoFenceAuthenticationProvider] - INIT FROM CONFIG +2019-05-31 10:06:42,494 INFO [] - AuthenticationCache Initialized with 1000 Max Entries, 300 seconds idle time, 600 seconds time to live and 3 concurrency level +2019-05-31 10:06:42,495 INFO [] - AuthenticationCache Eviction Task created to run every 600 seconds +2019-05-31 10:06:42,506 INFO [config.GeoserverXMLResourceProvider] - Found configuration file in /opt/data/gwc_cache_dir +2019-05-31 10:06:42,516 INFO [config.GeoserverXMLResourceProvider] - Found configuration file in /opt/data/gwc_cache_dir +2019-05-31 10:06:42,542 INFO [config.XMLConfiguration] - Wrote configuration to /opt/data/gwc_cache_dir +2019-05-31 10:06:42,547 INFO [geoserver.importer] - Enabling import store: memory +``` + +Aplicamos los últimos cambios, y creamos + +``` +cd /opt/geonode +python makemigrations +python migrate +``` + +De ser así, entonces el servidor GeoServer debería estarse ejecutando en, + +``` +http://localhost:8080/geoserver/ +``` + +Nota: En caso de errores o no existir el archivo de registros, revisar /usr/local/apache-tomcat8/logs/catalina.out + +### Servidor Web + +Instalar y configurar NGINX + +``` +sudo apt install -y nginx uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python +``` + +#### Servir GeoNode y GeoServer con NGINX + +Creamos el archivo con la configuración deseada para /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/geonode.ini + +``` +sudo nano /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/geonode.ini + +[uwsgi] +socket = +uid = geonode +gid = www-data + +plugins = python +virtualenv = /home/geonode/.virtualenvs/geonode +env = DEBUG=False +env = DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=geonode.settings +env = SECRET_KEY='RanD0m%3cr3tK3y' +env = SITE_HOST_NAME=localhost +env = SITEURL=http://localhost/ +env = LOCKDOWN_GEONODE=False +env = SESSION_EXPIRED_CONTROL_ENABLED=True +env = FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME= +env = EMAIL_ENABLE=False +env = DJANGO_EMAIL_HOST_USER= +env = DJANGO_EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD= +env = DJANGO_EMAIL_HOST=localhost +env = DJANGO_EMAIL_PORT=25 +env = DJANGO_EMAIL_USE_TLS=False +env = DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL=GeoNode +env = MONITORING_ENABLED=True +env = GEOSERVER_PUBLIC_HOST=localhost +env = GEOSERVER_PUBLIC_PORT= +env = GEOSERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD=geoserver +env = GEOSERVER_LOCATION=http://localhost/geoserver/ +env = GEOSERVER_PUBLIC_LOCATION=http://localhost/geoserver/ +env = GEOSERVER_WEB_UI_LOCATION=http://localhost/geoserver/ +env = RESOURCE_PUBLISHING=False +env = ADMIN_MODERATE_UPLOADS=False +env = GROUP_PRIVATE_RESOURCES=False +env = GROUP_MANDATORY_RESOURCES=False +env = OGC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT=60 +env = OGC_REQUEST_MAX_RETRIES=3 +env = OGC_REQUEST_POOL_MAXSIZE=100 +env = OGC_REQUEST_POOL_CONNECTIONS=100 +env = EXIF_ENABLED=True +env = CREATE_LAYER=False +env = FAVORITE_ENABLED=True + +chdir = /opt/geonode +module = geonode.wsgi:application + +processes = 4 +threads = 2 +enable-threads = true +master = true + +# logging +# path to where uwsgi logs will be saved +logto = /opt/data/logs/geonode.log +daemonize = /opt/data/logs/geonode.log +touch-reload = /opt/geonode/geonode/ +buffer-size = 32768 +max-requests = 500 +harakiri = 300 # respawn processes taking more than 5 minutes (300 seconds) +max-requests = 500 # respawn processes after serving 5000 requests +# limit-as = 1024 # avoid Errno 12 cannot allocate memory +harakiri-verbose = true +vacuum = true +thunder-lock = true +``` + +a continuación habilitamos la configuración UWSGI y reiniciamos el servicio para que se activen los cambios, + +``` +sudo ln -s /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/geonode.ini /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/geonode.ini +sudo service uwsgi restart +``` + +Respaldamos la configuración original y configuramos el servidor nginx, + +``` +sudo cp /etc/nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.orig + +echo "" |sudo tee /etc/nginx/nginx.conf +sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf +#Copiar y pegar + +user www-data; +worker_processes auto; +pid /run/; +include /etc/nginx/modules-enabled/*.conf; + +events { + worker_connections 768; + # multi_accept on; +} + +http { + ## + # Basic Settings + ## + + sendfile on; + tcp_nopush on; + tcp_nodelay on; + keepalive_timeout 65; + types_hash_max_size 2048; + # server_tokens off; + + # server_names_hash_bucket_size 64; + # server_name_in_redirect off; + + include /etc/nginx/mime.types; + default_type application/octet-stream; + + ## + # SSL Settings + ## + + ssl_protocols TLSv1.3 TLSv1.2; # Dropping SSLv3, ref: POODLE + ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; + + ## + # Logging Settings + ## + + access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log; + error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log; + + ## + # Gzip Settings + ## + + gzip on; + gzip_vary on; + gzip_proxied any; + gzip_http_version 1.1; + gzip_disable "MSIE [1-6]\."; + gzip_buffers 16 8k; + gzip_min_length 1100; + gzip_comp_level 6; + gzip_types video/mp4 text/plain application/javascript application/x-javascript text/javascript text/xml text/css image/jpeg; + + ## + # Virtual Host Configs + ## + + include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf; + include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*; +} +``` + +Removemos sitio predefinido y creamos el archivo de configuración de NGINX, + +``` +sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default + +sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/geonode + +uwsgi_intercept_errors on; + +upstream geoserver_proxy { + server localhost:8080; +} + +# Expires map +map $sent_http_content_type $expires { + default off; + text/html epoch; + text/css max; + application/javascript max; + ~image/ max; +} + +server { + listen 80 default_server; + listen [::]:80 default_server; + + root /var/www/html; + index index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian.html; + + server_name _; + + charset utf-8; + + etag on; + expires $expires; + proxy_read_timeout 600s; + # set client body size to 2M # + client_max_body_size 50000M; + + location / { + etag off; + uwsgi_pass; + uwsgi_read_timeout 600s; + include uwsgi_params; + } + + location /static/ { + alias /opt/geonode/geonode/static_root/; + } + + location /uploaded/ { + alias /opt/geonode/geonode/uploaded/; + } + + location /geoserver { + proxy_pass http://geoserver_proxy; + include proxy_params; + } +} +``` + +Revisamos que no haya errores en la sintaxis, + +``` +sudo nginx -t +``` + +Habilitamos sitio y reiniciamos servicios, + +``` +sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/geonode /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/geonode +sudo systemctl restart tomcat +sudo service nginx restart +``` + +Actualizamos la información estática de GeoNode, + +``` +workon geonode +cd /opt/geonode +python collectstatic --no-input +``` + +Actualizamos la configuración OAuth2 de GeoNode y GeoServer, + +``` +workon geonode +cd /opt/geonode + +# Solo ejecutarse una ocasión al inicio de la configuración +sudo cp package/support/geonode.binary /usr/bin/geonode +sudo cp package/support/geonode.updateip /usr/bin/geonode_updateip +sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/geonode +sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/geonode_updateip +pip install -e git+ + +# Update the GeoNode ip or hostname +sudo PYTHONWARNINGS=ignore VIRTUAL_ENV=$VIRTUAL_ENV DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=geonode.settings GEONODE_ETC=/opt/geonode GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR=/opt/data/geoserver_data TOMCAT_SERVICE="service tomcat" APACHE_SERVICE="service nginx" geonode_updateip -p localhost +``` + +#### Configurar para usar la base de datos PostgreSQL + +Crear archivo de configuraciones locales desde un archivo de ejemplo, + +``` +workon geonode +cd /opt/geonode + +cp geonode/ geonode/ +``` + +Cambie el password "genode_pass" por el suyo, + +``` +sudo sed -i -e "s/'PASSWORD': 'geonode',/'PASSWORD': 'geonode_pass',/g" geonode/ +``` + +Se detiene tomcat y se inicia GeoNode + +``` +sudo systemctl stop tomcat + +DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=geonode.local_settings paver reset +DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=geonode.local_settings paver setup +DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=geonode.local_settings paver sync +DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=geonode.local_settings python collectstatic --noinput +``` + +Actualizamos la configuración UWSGI, + +``` +sudo sed -i "s|geonode.settings|geonode.local_settings|g" /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/geonode.ini +``` + +Reiniciamos servicio uwsg para aplicar actualización , + +``` +sudo service uwsgi restart + +sudo PYTHONWARNINGS=ignore VIRTUAL_ENV=$VIRTUAL_ENV DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=geonode.local_settings GEONODE_ETC=/opt/geonode GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR=/opt/data/geoserver_data TOMCAT_SERVICE="service tomcat" APACHE_SERVICE="service nginx" geonode_updateip -p localhost +``` + +Con estos cambios debería estar diponible, + +GeoNode en http://localhost/ + +Para inicio de sesión puede acceder con el usuario y contraseña: **admin** + +GeoServer en http://localhost/geoserver/ + +Para inicio de sesión puede acceder con el usuario **admin** y contraseña: **geoserver** + +#### Configurar GeoNode y GeoServer para dominio propio + +1. NGINX + + Entrar a la configuración del dominio y actualizar la directiva, 'server_name' y reiniciar el servicio, + + ``` + sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/geonode + + server_name; + sudo service nginx restart + + + ``` +2. UWSGI\ + Cambiar localhost por el dominio a utilizar en todo el documento y reiniciar el servicio, + + ``` + sudo sed -i "s|localhost||g" /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/geonode.ini + sudo service uwsgi restart + + + ``` +3. Actualizar OAuth2, + + ``` + workon geonode + cd /opt/geonode + + # Update the GeoNode ip or hostname + sudo PYTHONWARNINGS=ignore VIRTUAL_ENV=$VIRTUAL_ENV DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=geonode.local_settings GEONODE_ETC=/opt/geonode GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR=/opt/data/geoserver_data TOMCAT_SERVICE="service tomcat" APACHE_SERVICE="service nginx" geonode_updateip -l localhost -p + + + ``` +4. Actualizar los enlaces existentes en GeoNode para el nuevo hostname, + + ``` + workon geonode + cd /opt/geonode + + # Update the GeoNode ip or hostname + DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=geonode.local_settings python migrate_baseurl --source-address=http://localhost --target-address= + + + ``` + + ### Asegurar por medio de HTTPS + + Creamos el certificado, + +``` +sudo certbot --nginx -d -d +``` + +1. Actualizar los URIs de redireccionamiento OAuth2 de GeoNode\ + Desde el dashboard vaya a, Home › Django/GeoNode OAuth Toolkit › Applications › GeoServer\ + Agregue los **Redirecs URIs**:\ + \ + *\ +* +2. Actualice el URL base del proxy, del GeoServer,\ + \ + **Proxy Base URL**\ + ** +3. Actualizar el enlace base del GeoServer,\ + Desde la interfaz de administración, vaya a \ + Security > Users, Groups, Roles > geonode REST role service\ + \ + **Base Server URL**\ + ** +4. Actualizar los parametros OAuth2 de GeoServer.\ + Desde la interfaz de administración, vaya a \ + Security > Authentication > Authentication Filters > geonode-oauth2 +5. [x] Force Access Token URI HTTPS Secure Protocol\ + Access Token URI\ + ** +6. [x] Force User Authorization URI HTTPS Secured Protocol\ + User Authorization URI\ + ** + + Redirect URI\ + ** + + CheckToken Endpoint URL\ + ** + + Logout URI\ + ** +7. Actualizar la configuración UWSGI,\ + Reemplazar http a https en /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/geonode.ini + + ``` + sed -i "s|http|https|g" /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/geonode.ini + + + ``` + + Agregar variables adicionales para SSL, + + ``` + env = SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT=True + #Evitar su uso en ambientes de desarrollo + #env = SECURE_HSTS_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS=True + env = AVATAR_GRAVATAR_SSL=True + + + ``` + + Reiniciar servicio, + + ``` + sudo service uwsgi restart + + + ```