#!/bin/bash # Quick Jibri Installer - *buntu (LTS) based systems. # SwITNet Ltd © - 2021, https://switnet.net/ # GPLv3 or later. { echo "Started at $(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" >> qj-installer.log while getopts m: option do case "${option}" in m) MODE=${OPTARG};; \?) echo "Usage: sudo ./quick_jibri_installer.sh [-m debug]" && exit;; esac done #DEBUG if [ "$MODE" = "debug" ]; then set -x fi # SYSTEM SETUP JITSI_REPO=$(apt-cache policy | awk '/jitsi/&&/stable/{print$3}' | awk -F / 'NR==1{print$1}') APACHE_2=$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' apache2 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed") NGINX=$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' nginx 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed") DIST=$(lsb_release -sc) GOOGL_REPO="/etc/apt/sources.list.d/dl_google_com_linux_chrome_deb.list" GOOGLE_ACTIVE_REPO=$(apt-cache policy | awk '/chrome/{print$3}' | awk -F "/" 'NR==1{print$2}') PROSODY_REPO=$(apt-cache policy | awk '/prosody/{print$3}' | awk -F "/" 'NR==1{print$2}') PUBLIC_IP="$(dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com)" CR=`echo $'\n> '` exit_ifinstalled() { if [ "$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' $1 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed")" == "1" ]; then echo " This instance already has $1 installed, exiting... Please try again on a clean system. If you think this is an error, please report to: -> https://github.com/switnet-ltd/quick-jibri-installer/issues" exit fi } exit_ifinstalled jitsi-meet rename_distro() { if [ "$DIST" = "$1" ]; then DIST="$2" fi } #Trisquel distro renaming rename_distro flidas xenial rename_distro etiona bionic rename_distro nabia focal install_ifnot() { if [ "$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' $1 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed")" == "1" ]; then echo " $1 is installed, skipping..." else echo -e "\n---- Installing $1 ----" apt-get -yq2 install $1 fi } check_serv() { if [ "$APACHE_2" -eq 1 ]; then echo " The recommended setup is using NGINX, exiting... " exit elif [ "$NGINX" -eq 1 ]; then echo " Webserver already installed! " else echo " Installing nginx webserver! " install_ifnot nginx fi } check_snd_driver() { echo -e "\n# Checking ALSA - Loopback module..." echo "snd-aloop" | tee -a /etc/modules modprobe snd-aloop if [ "$(lsmod|awk '/snd_aloop/{print$1}'|awk 'NR==1')" = "snd_aloop" ]; then echo " #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Audio driver seems - OK. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------" else echo " #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Your audio driver might not be able to load. # We'll check the state of this Jibri with our 'test-jibri-env.sh' tool. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------" #Test tool if [ "$MODE" = "debug" ]; then bash $PWD/tools/test-jibri-env.sh -m debug else bash $PWD/tools/test-jibri-env.sh fi read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to continue..."$'\n' fi } # sed limiters for add-jibri-node.sh variables var_dlim() { grep -n $1 add-jibri-node.sh|head -n1|cut -d ":" -f1 } add_prosody_repo() { echo "Add Prosody repo" if [ "$PROSODY_REPO" = "main" ]; then echo "Prosody repository already installed" else echo "deb http://packages.prosody.im/debian $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/prosody.list wget -qO - https://prosody.im/files/prosody-debian-packages.key | apt-key add - fi } dpkg-compare() { dpkg --compare-versions $(dpkg-query -f='${Version}' --show $1) $2 $3 } wait_seconds() { secs=$(($1)) while [ $secs -gt 0 ]; do echo -ne "$secs\033[0K\r" sleep 1 : $((secs--)) done } clear echo -e ' ######################################################################## Welcome to Jitsi/Jibri Installer ######################################################################## by Software, IT & Networks Ltd Featuring: - Jibri Recording and YouTube Streaming - Jibri Recordings Access via Nextcloud - Jigasi Transcription (Advanced) - Customized brandless mode - Recurring changes updater Learn more about these at, Main repository: https://github.com/switnet-ltd/quick-jibri-installer Wiki and documentation: https://github.com/switnet-ltd/quick-jibri-installer/wiki\n' read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to continue..."$'\n' #Check if user is root if ! [ $(id -u) = 0 ]; then echo "You need to be root or have sudo privileges!" exit 0 fi if [ "$DIST" = "bionic" ] || \ [ "$DIST" = "focal" ]; then echo "OS: $(lsb_release -sd)" echo "Good, this is a supported platform!" else echo "OS: $(lsb_release -sd)" echo "Sorry, this platform is not supported... exiting" exit fi #Suggest 20.04 LTS release over 18.04 in April 2022 TODAY=$(date +%s) NEXT_LTS_DATE=$(date -d 2022-04-01 +%s) if [ "$DIST" = "bionic" ]; then if [ "$TODAY" -gt "$NEXT_LTS_DATE" ]; then echo " > $(lsb_release -sc), even when it's compatible and functional. We suggest to use the next (LTS) release, for longer support and security reasons." read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to continue..."$'\n' else echo "Bionic is supported." fi fi #Check system resources echo "Verifying System Resources:" if [ "$(nproc --all)" -lt 4 ];then echo " Warning!: The system do not meet the minimum CPU requirements for Jibri to run. >> We recommend 4 cores/threads for Jibri! " CPU_MIN="N" else echo "CPU Cores/Threads: OK ($(nproc --all))" CPU_MIN="Y" fi ### Test RAM size (8GB min) ### mem_available=$(grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo| grep -o '[0-9]\+') if [ ${mem_available} -lt 7700000 ]; then echo " Warning!: The system do not meet the minimum RAM requirements for Jibri to run. >> We recommend 8GB RAM for Jibri! " MEM_MIN="N" else echo "Memory: OK ($((mem_available/1024)) MiB)" MEM_MIN="Y" fi if [ "$CPU_MIN" = "Y" ] && [ "$MEM_MIN" = "Y" ];then echo "All requirements seems meet!" echo " - We hope you have a nice recording/streaming session " else echo "CPU ($(nproc --all))/RAM ($((mem_available/1024)) MiB) does NOT meet minimum recommended requirements!" echo "Even when you can use the videconference sessions, we advice to increase the resources in order to user Jibri." while [[ "$CONTINUE_LOW_RES" != "yes" && "$CONTINUE_LOW_RES" != "no" ]] do read -p "> Do you want to continue?: (yes or no)"$'\n' -r CONTINUE_LOW_RES if [ "$CONTINUE_LOW_RES" = "no" ]; then echo "See you next time with more resources!..." exit elif [ "$CONTINUE_LOW_RES" = "yes" ]; then echo "We highly recommend to increase the server resources." echo "Otherwise, please think about adding dedicated jibri nodes instead." fi done fi if [ "$CONTINUE_LOW_RES" = "yes" ]; then echo -e "\nThis server will likely have issues due the lack of resources. If you plan to enable other components such as, - JRA via Nextcloud - Jigasi Transcriber - Additional Jibri Nodes - others. We higly recommend to increase resources of this server. For now we advice to disable the Jibri service locally and add an external Jibri node once this installation has finished, using our script: >> add-jibri-node.sh So you can add a Jibri server on a instance with enough resources.\n" while [[ "$DISABLE_LOCAL_JIBRI" != "yes" && "$DISABLE_LOCAL_JIBRI" != "no" ]] do read -p "> Do you want to disable local jibri service?: (yes or no)"$'\n' -r DISABLE_LOCAL_JIBRI if [ "$DISABLE_LOCAL_JIBRI" = "no" ]; then echo -e "Please keep in mind that we might not support underpowered servers.\n" elif [ "$DISABLE_LOCAL_JIBRI" = "yes" ]; then echo -e "You can add dedicated jibri nodes later, see more at the wiki.\n" fi done fi #Prosody repository add_prosody_repo # Jitsi-Meet Repo echo -e "\nAdd Jitsi repo\n" if [ "$JITSI_REPO" = "stable" ]; then echo "Jitsi stable repository already installed" else echo 'deb http://download.jitsi.org stable/' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jitsi-stable.list wget -qO - https://download.jitsi.org/jitsi-key.gpg.key | apt-key add - JITSI_REPO="stable" fi #Default to LE SSL? while [[ "$LE_SSL" != "yes" && "$LE_SSL" != "no" ]] do read -p "> Do you plan to use Let's Encrypt SSL certs?: (yes or no)"$'\n' -r LE_SSL if [ $LE_SSL = yes ]; then echo "We'll defaul to Let's Encrypt SSL certs." else echo "We'll let you choose later on for it. Please be aware that a valid SSL cert is required for some features to work properly." fi done #Set domain if [ "$LE_SSL" = "yes" ]; then while [[ "$ANS_JD" != "yes" ]] do read -p "> Please set your domain (or subdmain) here: (e.g.: jitsi.domain.com)"$'\n' -r JITSI_DOMAIN read -p "> Did you mean?: $JITSI_DOMAIN (yes or no)"$'\n' -r ANS_JD if [ "$ANS_JD" = "yes" ]; then echo "Alright, let's use $JITSI_DOMAIN." else echo "Please try again." fi done #Simple DNS test if [ "$PUBLIC_IP" = "$(dig -4 +short $JITSI_DOMAIN||awk -v RS='([0-9]+\\.){3}[0-9]+' 'RT{print RT}')" ]; then echo "Server public IP & DNS record for $JITSI_DOMAIN seems to match, continuing... " else echo "Server public IP ($PUBLIC_IP) & DNS record for $JITSI_DOMAIN don't seem to match." echo " > Please check your dns records are applied and updated, otherwise components may fail." read -p " > Do you want to continue?: (yes or no)"$'\n' -r DNS_CONTINUE if [ "$DNS_CONTINUE" = "yes" ]; then echo " - We'll continue anyway..." else echo " - Exiting for now..." exit fi fi fi # Requirements echo -e "\nWe'll start by installing system requirements this may take a while please be patient...\n" apt-get update -q2 apt-get dist-upgrade -yq2 apt-get -y install \ apt-show-versions \ bmon \ curl \ ffmpeg \ git \ htop \ jq \ net-tools \ rsync \ ssh \ unzip \ wget if [ "$LE_SSL" = "yes" ]; then apt-get -y install \ letsencrypt fi echo "# Check and Install HWE kernel if possible..." HWE_VIR_MOD=$(apt-cache madison linux-image-generic-hwe-$(lsb_release -sr) 2>/dev/null|head -n1|grep -c "hwe-$(lsb_release -sr)") if [ "$HWE_VIR_MOD" = "1" ]; then apt-get -y install \ linux-image-generic-hwe-$(lsb_release -sr) \ linux-tools-generic-hwe-$(lsb_release -sr) else apt-get -y install \ linux-image-generic \ linux-modules-extra-$(uname -r) fi check_serv echo " #-------------------------------------------------- # Install Jitsi Framework #-------------------------------------------------- " if [ "$LE_SSL" = "yes" ]; then echo "set jitsi-meet/cert-choice select Generate a new self-signed certificate (You will later get a chance to obtain a Let's encrypt certificate)" | debconf-set-selections echo "jitsi-videobridge2 jitsi-videobridge/jvb-hostname string $JITSI_DOMAIN" | debconf-set-selections fi apt-get -y install \ jitsi-meet \ jibri \ openjdk-8-jre-headless # Fix RAND_load_file error #https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/7754#issuecomment-444063355 sed -i "/RANDFILE/d" /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf echo " #-------------------------------------------------- # Install NodeJS #-------------------------------------------------- " if [ "$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' nodejs 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok")" == "1" ]; then echo "Nodejs is installed, skipping..." else curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | sudo -E bash - apt-get install -yq2 nodejs echo "Installing nodejs esprima package..." npm install -g esprima fi if [ "$(npm list -g esprima 2>/dev/null | grep -c "empty")" == "1" ]; then echo "Installing nodejs esprima package..." npm install -g esprima elif [ "$(npm list -g esprima 2>/dev/null | grep -c "esprima")" == "1" ]; then echo "Good. Esprima package is already installed" fi CHD_LTST=$(curl -sL https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/LATEST_RELEASE) GCMP_JSON="/etc/opt/chrome/policies/managed/managed_policies.json" echo "# Installing Google Chrome / ChromeDriver" if [ "$GOOGLE_ACTIVE_REPO" = "main" ]; then echo "Google repository already set." else echo "Installing Google Chrome Stable" wget -q -O - https://dl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | apt-key add - echo "deb http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main" | tee $GOOGL_REPO fi apt-get -q2 update apt-get install -yq2 google-chrome-stable rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dl_google_com_linux_chrome_deb.list if [ -f /usr/local/bin/chromedriver ]; then echo "Chromedriver already installed." else echo "Installing Chromedriver" wget -q https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/$CHD_LTST/chromedriver_linux64.zip \ -O /tmp/chromedriver_linux64.zip unzip -o /tmp/chromedriver_linux64.zip -d /usr/local/bin/ chown root:root /usr/local/bin/chromedriver chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/chromedriver rm -rf /tpm/chromedriver_linux64.zip fi echo " Check Google Software Working... " /usr/bin/google-chrome --version /usr/local/bin/chromedriver --version | awk '{print$1,$2}' echo " Remove Chrome warning... " mkdir -p /etc/opt/chrome/policies/managed echo '{ "CommandLineFlagSecurityWarningsEnabled": false }' > $GCMP_JSON ## JMS system tune up if [ "$MODE" = "debug" ]; then bash $PWD/mode/jms-stu.sh -m debug else bash $PWD/mode/jms-stu.sh fi echo ' ######################################################################## Please Setup Your Installation ######################################################################## ' # MEET / JIBRI SETUP DOMAIN="$(ls /etc/prosody/conf.d/ | awk -F'.cfg' '!/localhost/{print $1}' | awk '!NF || !seen[$0]++')" WS_CONF="/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/$DOMAIN.conf" JB_AUTH_PASS="$(tr -dc "a-zA-Z0-9#*=" < /dev/urandom | fold -w 10 | head -n1)" JB_REC_PASS="$(tr -dc "a-zA-Z0-9#*=" < /dev/urandom | fold -w 10 | head -n1)" PROSODY_FILE="/etc/prosody/conf.d/$DOMAIN.cfg.lua" PROSODY_SYS="/etc/prosody/prosody.cfg.lua" JICOFO_SIP="/etc/jitsi/jicofo/sip-communicator.properties" MEET_CONF="/etc/jitsi/meet/$DOMAIN-config.js" JIBRI_CONF="/etc/jitsi/jibri/jibri.conf" JVB2_CONF="/etc/jitsi/videobridge/config" JVB2_SIP="/etc/jitsi/videobridge/sip-communicator.properties" DIR_RECORD=/var/jbrecord REC_DIR="/home/jibri/finalize_recording.sh" JB_NAME="Jibri Sessions" LE_RENEW_LOG="/var/log/letsencrypt/renew.log" MOD_LISTU="https://prosody.im/files/mod_listusers.lua" MOD_LIST_FILE="/usr/lib/prosody/modules/mod_listusers.lua" ENABLE_SA="yes" CERTBOT_REPO="$(apt-cache policy | awk '/certbot/{print$2}' | awk -F '/' 'NR==1{print$4}')" CERTBOT_REL_FILE="http://ppa.launchpad.net/certbot/certbot/ubuntu/dists/$(lsb_release -sc)/Release" GC_SDK_REL_FILE="http://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/dists/cloud-sdk-$(lsb_release -sc)/Release" MJS_RAND_TAIL="$(tr -dc "a-zA-Z0-9" < /dev/urandom | fold -w 4 | head -n1)" MJS_USER="jbsync_$MJS_RAND_TAIL" MJS_USER_PASS="$(tr -dc "a-zA-Z0-9#_*=" < /dev/urandom | fold -w 32 | head -n1)" FQDN_HOST="fqdn" # Rename hostname for jitsi server while [[ "$FQDN_HOST" != "yes" && "$FQDN_HOST" != "no" && ! -z "$FQDN_HOST" ]] do echo -e "> Do you want to use your internet domain ($DOMAIN) as a fqdn hostname?: (yes or no)" && \ read -p "Leave empty to default to your current one ($(hostname -f)): "$'\n' FQDN_HOST if [ "$FQDN_HOST" = "yes" ]; then echo "We'll use your domain ($DOMAIN) as a fqdn hostname, changes will show on reboot." hostnamectl set-hostname "${DOMAIN}" sed -i "1i ${PUBLIC_IP} ${DOMAIN}" /etc/hosts else echo "We'll keep the current one ($(hostname -f)) you're using." fi done #Sysadmin email if [ "$LE_SSL" = "yes" ]; then while [[ -z $SYSADMIN_EMAIL ]] do read -p "Set sysadmin email (this is a mandatory field):"$'\n' -r SYSADMIN_EMAIL done fi #Language echo "## Setting up Jitsi Meet language ## You can define the language, for a complete list of the supported languages See here: https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet/blob/master/lang/languages.json Jitsi Meet web interface will be set to use such language." read -p "Please set your language (Press enter to default to 'en'):"$'\n' -r JB_LANG echo -e "\nWe'll take a minute to localize some UI excerpts if you need.\n" #Participant echo -e "> Do you want to translate 'Participant' to your own language?" && \ read -p "Leave empty to use the default one (English): "$'\n' L10N_PARTICIPANT #Me echo -e "\n> Do you want to translate 'me' to your own language? This must be a really small word to present one self. Some suggestions might be: yo (Spanish) | je (French) | ich (German)\n" && \ read -p "Leave empty to use the default one (English): "$'\n' L10N_ME #Drop unsecure TLS while [[ "$DROP_TLS1" != "yes" && "$DROP_TLS1" != "no" ]] do read -p "> Do you want to drop support for unsecure protocols TLSv1.0/1.1 now: (yes or no)"$'\n' -r DROP_TLS1 if [ "$DROP_TLS1" = "no" ]; then echo "TLSv1.0/1.1 will remain." elif [ "$DROP_TLS1" = "yes" ]; then echo "TLSv1.0/1.1 will be dropped" fi done #Dropbox -- no longer requirement for localrecording #while [[ $ENABLE_DB != yes && $ENABLE_DB != no ]] #do #read -p "> Do you want to setup the Dropbox feature now: (yes or no)"$'\n' -r ENABLE_DB #if [ $ENABLE_DB = no ]; then # echo "Dropbox won't be enable" #elif [ $ENABLE_DB = yes ]; then # read -p "Please set your Drobbox App key: "$'\n' -r DB_CID #fi #done #Brandless Mode while [[ "$ENABLE_BLESSM" != "yes" && "$ENABLE_BLESSM" != "no" ]] do read -p "> Do you want to install customized \"brandless mode\"?: (yes or no)"$'\n' -r ENABLE_BLESSM if [ "$ENABLE_BLESSM" = "no" ]; then echo "Brandless mode won't be set." elif [ "$ENABLE_BLESSM" = "yes" ]; then echo "Brandless mode will be set." fi done #Welcome Page while [[ "$ENABLE_WELCP" != "yes" && "$ENABLE_WELCP" != "no" ]] do read -p "> Do you want to disable the Welcome page: (yes or no)"$'\n' -r ENABLE_WELCP if [ "$ENABLE_WELCP" = "yes" ]; then echo "Welcome page will be disabled." elif [ "$ENABLE_WELCP" = "no" ]; then echo "Welcome page will be enabled." fi done #Close page while [[ "$ENABLE_CLOCP" != "yes" && "$ENABLE_CLOCP" != "no" ]] do read -p "> Do you want to enable the close page on room exit: (yes or no)"$'\n' -r ENABLE_CLOCP if [ "$ENABLE_CLOCP" = "yes" ]; then echo "Close page will be enabled." elif [ "$ENABLE_CLOCP" = "no" ]; then echo "Close page will be keept disabled." fi done #Enable static avatar while [[ "$ENABLE_SA" != "yes" && "$ENABLE_SA" != "no" ]] do read -p "> (Legacy) Do you want to enable static avatar?: (yes or no)"$'\n' -r ENABLE_SA if [ "$ENABLE_SA" = "no" ]; then echo "Static avatar won't be enabled" elif [ "$ENABLE_SA" = "yes" ]; then echo "Static avatar will be enabled" fi done #Secure room initial user #while [[ "$ENABLE_SC" != "yes" && "$ENABLE_SC" != "no" ]] #do #read -p "> Do you want to enable secure rooms?: (yes or no)"$'\n' -r ENABLE_SC #if [ "$ENABLE_SC" = "no" ]; then # echo "-- Secure rooms won't be enabled." #elif [ "$ENABLE_SC" = "yes" ]; then # echo "-- Secure rooms will be enabled." # read -p "Set username for secure room moderator: "$'\n' -r SEC_ROOM_USER # read -p "Secure room moderator password: "$'\n' -r SEC_ROOM_PASS #fi #done echo " > Jitsi Meet Auth Method selection. " PS3='Select the authentication method for your Jitsi Meet instance: ' options=("Local" "JWT" "None") select opt in "${options[@]}" do case $opt in "Local") echo -e "\n > Users are created manually using prosodyctl, only moderators can open a room or launch recording.\n" ENABLE_SC="yes" break ;; "JWT") echo -e "\n > A external app manage the token usage/creation, like RocketChat does.\n" ENABLE_JWT="yes" break ;; "None") echo -e "\n > Everyone can access the room as moderators as there is no auth mechanism.\n" break ;; *) echo "Invalid option $REPLY, choose 1, 2 or 3";; esac done #Jibri Records Access (JRA) via Nextcloud while [[ "$ENABLE_NC_ACCESS" != "yes" && "$ENABLE_NC_ACCESS" != "no" ]] do read -p "> Do you want to setup Jibri Records Access via Nextcloud: (yes or no) ( Please check requirements at: https://github.com/switnet-ltd/quick-jibri-installer )"$'\n' -r ENABLE_NC_ACCESS if [ "$ENABLE_NC_ACCESS" = "no" ]; then echo -e "-- JRA via Nextcloud won't be enabled.\n" elif [ "$ENABLE_NC_ACCESS" = "yes" ]; then echo -e "-- JRA via Nextcloud will be enabled.\n" fi done #Jigasi if [ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" $GC_SDK_REL_FILE )" == "404" ]; then echo "> Sorry Google SDK doesn't have support yet for $(lsb_release -sd), thus, Jigasi Transcript can't be enable. " elif [ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" $GC_SDK_REL_FILE )" == "200" ]; then while [[ "$ENABLE_TRANSCRIPT" != "yes" && "$ENABLE_TRANSCRIPT" != "no" ]] do read -p "> Do you want to setup Jigasi Transcription: (yes or no) ( Please check requirements at: https://github.com/switnet-ltd/quick-jibri-installer )"$'\n' -r ENABLE_TRANSCRIPT if [ "$ENABLE_TRANSCRIPT" = "no" ]; then echo -e "-- Jigasi Transcription won't be enabled.\n" elif [ "$ENABLE_TRANSCRIPT" = "yes" ]; then echo -e "-- Jigasi Transcription will be enabled.\n" fi done else echo "No valid option for Jigasi. Please report this to https://github.com/switnet-ltd/quick-jibri-installer/issues " fi #Grafana while [[ "$ENABLE_GRAFANA_DSH" != "yes" && "$ENABLE_GRAFANA_DSH" != "no" ]] do read -p "> Do you want to setup Grafana Dashboard: (yes or no) ( Please check requirements at: https://github.com/switnet-ltd/quick-jibri-installer )"$'\n' -r ENABLE_GRAFANA_DSH if [ "$ENABLE_GRAFANA_DSH" = "no" ]; then echo -e "-- Grafana Dashboard won't be enabled.\n" elif [ "$ENABLE_GRAFANA_DSH" = "yes" ]; then echo -e "-- Grafana Dashboard will be enabled. \n" fi done #Docker Etherpad #while [[ "$ENABLE_DOCKERPAD" != "yes" && "$ENABLE_DOCKERPAD" != "no" ]] #do #read -p "> Do you want to setup Docker Etherpad: (yes or no) #( Please check requirements at: https://github.com/switnet-ltd/quick-jibri-installer )"$'\n' -r ENABLE_DOCKERPAD #if [ "$ENABLE_DOCKERPAD" = "no" ]; then # echo -e "-- Docker Etherpad won't be enabled.\n" #elif [ "$ENABLE_DOCKERPAD" = "yes" ]; then # echo -e "-- Docker Etherpad will be enabled.\n" #fi #done #Start configuration echo ' ######################################################################## Start Jitsi Framework configuration ######################################################################## ' JibriBrewery=JibriBrewery INT_CONF="/usr/share/jitsi-meet/interface_config.js" INT_CONF_ETC="/etc/jitsi/meet/$DOMAIN-interface_config.js" WAN_IP=$(dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com) ssl_wa() { if [ "$LE_SSL" = "yes" ]; then systemctl stop $1 letsencrypt certonly --standalone --renew-by-default --agree-tos --email $5 -d $6 sed -i "s|/etc/jitsi/meet/$3.crt|/etc/letsencrypt/live/$3/fullchain.pem|" $4 sed -i "s|/etc/jitsi/meet/$3.key|/etc/letsencrypt/live/$3/privkey.pem|" $4 systemctl restart $1 #Add cron crontab -l | { cat; echo "@weekly certbot renew --${2} > $LE_RENEW_LOG 2>&1"; } | crontab - crontab -l fi } enable_letsencrypt() { if [ "$LE_SSL" = "yes" ]; then echo ' #-------------------------------------------------- # Starting LetsEncrypt configuration #-------------------------------------------------- ' #Disabled 'til fixed upstream #bash /usr/share/jitsi-meet/scripts/install-letsencrypt-cert.sh echo "#Set and upgrade certbot PPA if posssible..." if [ "$CERTBOT_REPO" = "certbot" ]; then echo -e "\nCerbot repository already on the system!\nChecking for updates...\n" apt-get -q2 update apt-get -yq2 dist-upgrade elif [ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" $CERTBOT_REL_FILE )" == "200" ]; then echo -e "\nAdding cerbot (formerly letsencrypt) PPA repository for latest updates\n" echo "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/certbot/certbot/ubuntu $DIST main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/certbot.list apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 75BCA694 apt-get -q2 update apt-get -yq2 dist-upgrade elif [ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" $CERTBOT_REL_FILE )" == "404" ]; then echo -e "\nCertbot PPA is not available for $(lsb_release -sc) just yet, it won't be installed...\n" fi else echo "SSL setup will be skipped." fi } check_jibri() { if [ "$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' "jibri" 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed")" == "1" ] then systemctl restart jibri systemctl restart jibri-icewm systemctl restart jibri-xorg else echo "Jibri service not installed" fi } # Restarting services restart_services() { systemctl restart jitsi-videobridge2 systemctl restart jicofo systemctl restart prosody check_jibri } # Configure Jvb2 sed -i "/shard.HOSTNAME/s|localhost|$DOMAIN|" /etc/jitsi/videobridge/sip-communicator.properties # Configure Jibri if [ "$ENABLE_SC" = "yes" ]; then if [ ! -f $MOD_LIST_FILE ]; then echo -e "\n-> Adding external module to list prosody users...\n" curl -s $MOD_LISTU > $MOD_LIST_FILE echo -e "Now you can check registered users with:\nprosodyctl mod_listusers\n" else echo -e "Prosody support for listing users seems to be enabled. \ncheck with: prosodyctl mod_listusers\n" fi fi #Enable jibri recording cat << REC-JIBRI >> $PROSODY_FILE VirtualHost "recorder.$DOMAIN" modules_enabled = { "ping"; } authentication = "internal_hashed" REC-JIBRI #Enable Jibri withelist sed -i "s|-- muc_lobby_whitelist|muc_lobby_whitelist|" $PROSODY_FILE #Fix Jibri conectivity issues sed -i "s|c2s_require_encryption = .*|c2s_require_encryption = false|" $PROSODY_SYS sed -i "/c2s_require_encryption = false/a \\ \\ consider_bosh_secure = true" $PROSODY_SYS if [ ! -z $L10N_PARTICIPANT ]; then sed -i "s|PART_USER=.*|PART_USER=\"$L10N_PARTICIPANT\"|" jm-bm.sh fi if [ ! -z $L10N_ME ]; then sed -i "s|LOCAL_USER=.*|LOCAL_USER=\"$L10N_ME\"|" jm-bm.sh fi ### Prosody users prosodyctl register jibri auth.$DOMAIN $JB_AUTH_PASS prosodyctl register recorder recorder.$DOMAIN $JB_REC_PASS ## JICOFO # /etc/jitsi/jicofo/sip-communicator.properties cat << BREWERY >> $JICOFO_SIP #org.jitsi.jicofo.auth.URL=XMPP:$DOMAIN #org.jitsi.jicofo.auth.URL=EXT_JWT:$DOMAIN org.jitsi.jicofo.jibri.BREWERY=$JibriBrewery@internal.auth.$DOMAIN org.jitsi.jicofo.jibri.PENDING_TIMEOUT=90 #org.jitsi.jicofo.auth.DISABLE_AUTOLOGIN=true BREWERY # Jibri tweaks for /etc/jitsi/meet/$DOMAIN-config.js sed -i "s|conference.$DOMAIN|internal.auth.$DOMAIN|" $MEET_CONF sed -i "s|// fileRecordingsEnabled: false,|fileRecordingsEnabled: true,| " $MEET_CONF sed -i "s|// liveStreamingEnabled: false,|liveStreamingEnabled: true,\\ \\ hiddenDomain: \'recorder.$DOMAIN\',|" $MEET_CONF #Dropbox feature #if [ "$ENABLE_DB" = "yes" ]; then #DB_STR=$(grep -n "dropbox:" $MEET_CONF | cut -d ":" -f1) #DB_END=$((DB_STR + 10)) #sed -i "$DB_STR,$DB_END{s|// dropbox: {|dropbox: {|}" $MEET_CONF #sed -i "$DB_STR,$DB_END{s|// appKey: ''|appKey: \'$DB_CID\'|}" $MEET_CONF #sed -i "$DB_STR,$DB_END{s|// },|},|}" $MEET_CONF #fi #Setup main language if [ -z $JB_LANG ] || [ "$JB_LANG" = "en" ]; then echo "Leaving English (en) as default language..." sed -i "s|// defaultLanguage: 'en',|defaultLanguage: 'en',|" $MEET_CONF else echo "Changing default language to: $JB_LANG" sed -i "s|// defaultLanguage: 'en',|defaultLanguage: \'$JB_LANG\',|" $MEET_CONF fi # Recording directory if [ ! -d $DIR_RECORD ]; then mkdir $DIR_RECORD fi chown -R jibri:jibri $DIR_RECORD cat << REC_DIR > $REC_DIR #!/bin/bash RECORDINGS_DIR=$DIR_RECORD echo "This is a dummy finalize script" > /tmp/finalize.out echo "The script was invoked with recordings directory $RECORDINGS_DIR." >> /tmp/finalize.out echo "You should put any finalize logic (renaming, uploading to a service" >> /tmp/finalize.out echo "or storage provider, etc.) in this script" >> /tmp/finalize.out chmod -R 770 \$RECORDINGS_DIR LJF_PATH="\$(find \$RECORDINGS_DIR -exec stat --printf="%Y\t%n\n" {} \; | sort -n -r|awk '{print\$2}'| grep -v "meta\|-" | head -n1)" NJF_NAME="\$(find \$LJF_PATH |grep -e "-"|sed "s|\$LJF_PATH/||"|cut -d "." -f1)" NJF_PATH="\$RECORDINGS_DIR/\$NJF_NAME" mv \$LJF_PATH \$NJF_PATH exit 0 REC_DIR chown jibri:jibri $REC_DIR chmod +x $REC_DIR ## New Jibri Config (2020) mv $JIBRI_CONF ${JIBRI_CONF}-dpkg-file cat << NEW_CONF > $JIBRI_CONF // New XMPP environment config. jibri { chrome { // The flags which will be passed to chromium when launching flags = [ "--use-fake-ui-for-media-stream", "--start-maximized", "--kiosk", "--enabled", "--disable-infobars", "--autoplay-policy=no-user-gesture-required", "--ignore-certificate-errors", "--disable-dev-shm-usage" ] } recording { recordings-directory = $DIR_RECORD finalize-script = $REC_DIR } api { xmpp { environments = [ { // A user-friendly name for this environment name = "$JB_NAME" // A list of XMPP server hosts to which we'll connect xmpp-server-hosts = [ "$DOMAIN" ] // The base XMPP domain xmpp-domain = "$DOMAIN" // The MUC we'll join to announce our presence for // recording and streaming services control-muc { domain = "internal.auth.$DOMAIN" room-name = "$JibriBrewery" nickname = "Live" } // The login information for the control MUC control-login { domain = "auth.$DOMAIN" username = "jibri" password = "$JB_AUTH_PASS" } // An (optional) MUC configuration where we'll // join to announce SIP gateway services // sip-control-muc { // domain = "domain" // room-name = "room-name" // nickname = "nickname" // } // The login information the selenium web client will use call-login { domain = "recorder.$DOMAIN" username = "recorder" password = "$JB_REC_PASS" } // The value we'll strip from the room JID domain to derive // the call URL strip-from-room-domain = "conference." // How long Jibri sessions will be allowed to last before // they are stopped. A value of 0 allows them to go on // indefinitely usage-timeout = 0 hour // Whether or not we'll automatically trust any cert on // this XMPP domain trust-all-xmpp-certs = true } ] } } } NEW_CONF #Create receiver user useradd -m -g jibri $MJS_USER echo "$MJS_USER:$MJS_USER_PASS" | chpasswd #Create ssh key and restrict connections sudo su $MJS_USER -c "ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -b 4096 -o -a 100 -q -N ''" #Allow password authentication sed -i "s|PasswordAuthentication .*|PasswordAuthentication yes|" /etc/ssh/sshd_config systemctl restart sshd #Setting varibales for add-jibri-node.sh sed -i "s|MAIN_SRV_DIST=.*|MAIN_SRV_DIST=\"$DIST\"|" add-jibri-node.sh sed -i "s|MAIN_SRV_REPO=.*|MAIN_SRV_REPO=\"$JITSI_REPO\"|" add-jibri-node.sh sed -i "s|MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN=.*|MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN=\"$DOMAIN\"|" add-jibri-node.sh sed -i "s|JB_NAME=.*|JB_NAME=\"$JB_NAME\"|" add-jibri-node.sh sed -i "s|JibriBrewery=.*|JibriBrewery=\"$JibriBrewery\"|" add-jibri-node.sh sed -i "s|JB_AUTH_PASS=.*|JB_AUTH_PASS=\"$JB_AUTH_PASS\"|" add-jibri-node.sh sed -i "s|JB_REC_PASS=.*|JB_REC_PASS=\"$JB_REC_PASS\"|" add-jibri-node.sh sed -i "s|MJS_USER=.*|MJS_USER=\"$MJS_USER\"|" add-jibri-node.sh sed -i "s|MJS_USER_PASS=.*|MJS_USER_PASS=\"$MJS_USER_PASS\"|" add-jibri-node.sh sed -i "$(var_dlim 0_LAST),$(var_dlim 1_LAST){s|LETS: .*|LETS: $(date -R)|}" add-jibri-node.sh echo "Last file edition at: $(grep "LETS:" add-jibri-node.sh|head -n1|awk -F'LETS:' '{print$2}')" #-- Setting variables for add-jvb2-node.sh g_conf_value() { grep "$1" $JVB2_CONF|sed "s|$1||" } JVB_HOSTNAME=$(g_conf_value JVB_HOSTNAME=) JVB_HOST=$(g_conf_value JVB_HOST=) JVB_PORT=$(g_conf_value JVB_PORT=) JVB_SECRET=$(g_conf_value JVB_SECRET=) JVB_OPTS=$(g_conf_value JVB_OPTS=) JAVA_SYS_PROPS=$(g_conf_value JAVA_SYS_PROPS=) g_sip_value() { grep "$1" $JVB2_SIP |cut -d "=" -f2 } DISABLE_AWS_HARVESTER=$(g_sip_value DISABLE_AWS_HARVESTER=) STUN_MAPPING_HARVESTER_ADDRESSES=$(g_sip_value STUN_MAPPING_HARVESTER_ADDRESSES=) ENABLE_STATISTICS=$(g_sip_value ENABLE_STATISTICS=) SHARD_HOSTNAME=$(g_sip_value shard.HOSTNAME=) SHARD_DOMAIN=$(g_sip_value shard.DOMAIN=) SHARD_PASSWORD=$(g_sip_value shard.PASSWORD=) MUC_JID=$(g_sip_value MUC_JIDS=) ##-- Replacing on add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|JVB_HOSTNAME=.*|JVB_HOSTNAME=$JVB_HOSTNAME|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|JVB_HOST=.*|JVB_HOST=$JVB_HOST|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|JVB_PORT=.*|JVB_PORT=$JVB_PORT|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|JVB_SECRET=.*|JVB_SECRET=$JVB_SECRET|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|JVB_OPTS=.*|JVB_OPTS=$JVB_OPTS|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|SYS_PROPS=.*|SYS_PROPS=$JAVA_SYS_PROPS|" add-jvb2-node.sh #- sed -i "s|AWS_HARVEST=.*|AWS_HARVEST=$DISABLE_AWS_HARVESTER|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|STUN_MAPPING=.*|STUN_MAPPING=$STUN_MAPPING_HARVESTER_ADDRESSES|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|ENABLE_STATISTICS=.*|ENABLE_STATISTICS=$ENABLE_STATISTICS|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|SHARD_HOSTNAME=.*|SHARD_HOSTNAME=$SHARD_HOSTNAME|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|SHARD_DOMAIN=.*|SHARD_DOMAIN=$SHARD_DOMAIN|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|SHARD_PASS=.*|SHARD_PASS=$SHARD_PASSWORD|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|MUC_JID=.*|MUC_JID=$MUC_JID|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|MAIN_SRV_DIST=.*|MAIN_SRV_DIST=\"$DIST\"|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|MAIN_SRV_REPO=.*|MAIN_SRV_REPO=\"$JITSI_REPO\"|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN=.*|MAIN_SRV_DOMAIN=\"$DOMAIN\"|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|MJS_USER=.*|MJS_USER=\"$MJS_USER\"|" add-jvb2-node.sh sed -i "s|MJS_USER_PASS=.*|MJS_USER_PASS=\"$MJS_USER_PASS\"|" add-jvb2-node.sh ##-- #Tune webserver for Jitsi App control if [ -f $WS_CONF ]; then sed -i "/Anything that didn't match above/i \\\n" $WS_CONF sed -i "/Anything that didn't match above/i \ \ \ \ location = \/external_api.min.js {" $WS_CONF sed -i "/Anything that didn't match above/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ alias \/usr\/share\/jitsi-meet\/libs\/external_api.min.js;" $WS_CONF sed -i "/Anything that didn't match above/i \ \ \ \ }" $WS_CONF sed -i "/Anything that didn't match above/i \\\n" $WS_CONF systemctl reload nginx else echo "No app configuration done to server file, please report to: -> https://github.com/switnet-ltd/quick-jibri-installer/issues" fi #Static avatar if [ "$ENABLE_SA" = "yes" ] && [ -f $WS_CONF ]; then cp images/avatar2.png /usr/share/jitsi-meet/images/ sed -i "/location \/external_api.min.js/i \ \ \ \ location \~ \^\/avatar\/\(.\*\)\\\.png {" $WS_CONF sed -i "/location \/external_api.min.js/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ alias /usr/share/jitsi-meet/images/avatar2.png;" $WS_CONF sed -i "/location \/external_api.min.js/i \ \ \ \ }\\ \ " $WS_CONF sed -i "/RANDOM_AVATAR_URL_PREFIX/ s|false|\'https://$DOMAIN/avatar/\'|" $INT_CONF sed -i "/RANDOM_AVATAR_URL_SUFFIX/ s|false|\'.png\'|" $INT_CONF fi #nginx -tlsv1/1.1 if [ "$DROP_TLS1" = "yes" ] && [ "$DIST" != "xenial" ];then echo -e "\nDropping TLSv1/1.1 in favor of v1.3\n" sed -i "s|TLSv1 TLSv1.1|TLSv1.3|" /etc/nginx/nginx.conf #sed -i "s|TLSv1 TLSv1.1|TLSv1.3|" $WS_CONF elif [ "$DROP_TLS1" = "yes" ] && [ "$DIST" = "xenial" ];then echo -e "\nOnly dropping TLSv1/1.1\n" sed -i "s|TLSv1 TLSv1.1||" /etc/nginx/nginx.conf sed -i "s| TLSv1.3||" $WS_CONF elif [ "$DROP_TLS1" = "no" ];then echo -e "\nNo TLSv1/1.1 dropping was done.\n" else echo "No condition meet, please report to https://github.com/switnet-ltd/quick-jibri-installer/issues " fi #================== Setup prosody conf file ================= ###Setup secure rooms if [ "$ENABLE_SC" = "yes" ]; then SRP_STR=$(grep -n "VirtualHost \"$DOMAIN\"" $PROSODY_FILE | awk -F ':' 'NR==1{print$1}') SRP_END=$((SRP_STR + 10)) sed -i "$SRP_STR,$SRP_END{s|authentication = \"anonymous\"|authentication = \"internal_hashed\"|}" $PROSODY_FILE sed -i "s|// anonymousdomain: 'guest.example.com'|anonymousdomain: \'guest.$DOMAIN\'|" $MEET_CONF #Secure room initial user read -p "Set username for secure room moderator: "$'\n' -r SEC_ROOM_USER read -p "Secure room moderator password: "$'\n' -r SEC_ROOM_PASS prosodyctl register $SEC_ROOM_USER $DOMAIN $SEC_ROOM_PASS echo -e "\nSecure rooms are being enabled..." echo "You'll be able to login Secure Room chat with '${SEC_ROOM_USER}' \ or '${SEC_ROOM_USER}@${DOMAIN}' using the password you just entered. If you have issues with the password refer to your sysadmin." sed -i "s|#org.jitsi.jicofo.auth.URL=XMPP:|org.jitsi.jicofo.auth.URL=XMPP:|" $JICOFO_SIP sed -i "s|SEC_ROOM=.*|SEC_ROOM=\"on\"|" jm-bm.sh fi ###JWT if [ "$ENABLE_JWT" = "yes" ]; then echo -e "\nJWT auth is being setup..." bash $PWD/mode/jwt.sh fi #Guest allow #Change back lobby - https://community.jitsi.org/t/64769/136 if [ "$ENABLE_SC" = "yes" ];then cat << P_SR >> $PROSODY_FILE -- #Change back lobby - https://community.jitsi.org/t/64769/136 VirtualHost "guest.$DOMAIN" authentication = "anonymous" c2s_require_encryption = false speakerstats_component = "speakerstats.$DOMAIN" main_muc = "conference.$DOMAIN" modules_enabled = { "speakerstats"; } P_SR fi #====================== # Custom settings #Start with video muted by default sed -i "s|// startWithVideoMuted: false,|startWithVideoMuted: true,|" $MEET_CONF #Start with audio muted but admin sed -i "s|// startAudioMuted: 10,|startAudioMuted: 1,|" $MEET_CONF #Disable/enable welcome page if [ "$ENABLE_WELCP" = "yes" ]; then sed -i "s|.*enableWelcomePage:.*| enableWelcomePage: false,|" $MEET_CONF elif [ "$ENABLE_WELCP" = "no" ]; then sed -i "s|.*enableWelcomePage:.*| enableWelcomePage: true,|" $MEET_CONF fi #Enable close page if [ "$ENABLE_CLOCP" = "yes" ]; then sed -i "s|.*enableClosePage:.*| enableClosePage: true,|" $MEET_CONF elif [ "$ENABLE_CLOCP" = "no" ]; then sed -i "s|.*enableClosePage:.*| enableClosePage: false,|" $MEET_CONF fi #Add pre-join screen by default, since it improves YouTube autoplay capabilities #pre-join screen by itself don't require autorization by moderator, don't confuse with lobby which does. sed -i "s|// prejoinPageEnabled:.*|prejoinPageEnabled: true,|" $MEET_CONF #Set HD resolution and widescreen format sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \/\/ Start QJI - Set resolution and widescreen format" $MEET_CONF sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ resolution: 720," $MEET_CONF sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ constraints: {" $MEET_CONF sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ \ \ aspectRatio: 16 \/ 9," $MEET_CONF sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ video: {" $MEET_CONF sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ height: {" $MEET_CONF sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ideal: 720," $MEET_CONF sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ max: 720," $MEET_CONF sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ min: 180" $MEET_CONF sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ }," $MEET_CONF sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ width: {" $MEET_CONF sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ideal: 1280," $MEET_CONF sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ max: 1280," $MEET_CONF sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ min: 320" $MEET_CONF sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ }" $MEET_CONF sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ }" $MEET_CONF sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \ \ \ \ \ }," $MEET_CONF sed -i "/Enable \/ disable simulcast support/i \/\/ End QJI" $MEET_CONF #Check config file echo -e "\n# Checking $MEET_CONF file for errors\n" CHECKJS=$(esvalidate $MEET_CONF| cut -d ":" -f2) if [[ -z "$CHECKJS" ]]; then echo -e "\n# The $MEET_CONF configuration seems correct. =)\n" else echo " Watch out!, there seems to be an issue on $MEET_CONF line: $CHECKJS Most of the times this is due upstream changes, please report to https://github.com/switnet-ltd/quick-jibri-installer/issues " fi #Enable jibri services systemctl enable jibri systemctl enable jibri-xorg systemctl enable jibri-icewm restart_services if [ "$DISABLE_LOCAL_JIBRI" = "yes" ]; then systemctl stop jibri* systemctl disable jibri systemctl disable jibri-xorg systemctl disable jibri-icewm # Manually apply permissions since finalize_recording.sh won't be triggered under this server options. chmod -R 770 $DIR_RECORD fi enable_letsencrypt # Fix prosody not able to read SSL Certs chown -R root:prosody /etc/prosody/certs/ chmod -R 650 /etc/prosody/certs/ #SSL workaround if [ "$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' nginx 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed")" -eq 1 ]; then ssl_wa nginx nginx $DOMAIN $WS_CONF $SYSADMIN_EMAIL $DOMAIN install_ifnot python3-certbot-nginx else echo "No webserver found please report." fi #Brandless Mode if [ "$ENABLE_BLESSM" = "yes" ]; then echo "Custom brandless mode will be enabled." sed -i "s|ENABLE_BLESSM=.*|ENABLE_BLESSM=\"on\"|" jitsi-updater.sh bash $PWD/jm-bm.sh fi # Applying best practives for interface config.js echo -e "\n> Setting up custom interface_config.js according to best practices." cp "$INT_CONF" "$INT_CONF_ETC" #Tune webserver for interface_config.js if [ -f $WS_CONF ]; then sed -i "/external_api.js/i \\\n" $WS_CONF sed -i "/external_api.js/i \ \ \ \ location = \/interface_config.js {" $WS_CONF sed -i "/external_api.js/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ alias \/etc\/jitsi\/meet\/$DOMAIN-interface_config.js;" $WS_CONF sed -i "/external_api.js/i \ \ \ \ }" $WS_CONF sed -i "/external_api.js/i \\\n" $WS_CONF systemctl reload nginx else echo "No interface_config.js configuration done to server file, please report to: -> https://github.com/switnet-ltd/quick-jibri-installer/issues" fi #JRA via Nextcloud if [ "$ENABLE_NC_ACCESS" = "yes" ]; then echo -n "\nJRA via Nextcloud will be enabled." if [ "$MODE" = "debug" ]; then bash $PWD/jra_nextcloud.sh -m debug else bash $PWD/jra_nextcloud.sh fi fi } > >(tee -a qj-installer.log) 2> >(tee -a qj-installer.log >&2) #Jigasi Transcript if [ "$ENABLE_TRANSCRIPT" = "yes" ]; then echo -e "\nJigasi Transcription will be enabled." # ToDo: Analyze behavior on debug #if [ "$MODE" = "debug" ]; then # bash $PWD/jigasi.sh -m debug #else bash $PWD/jigasi.sh #fi fi { #Grafana Dashboard if [ "$ENABLE_GRAFANA_DSH" = "yes" ]; then echo -e "\nGrafana Dashboard will be enabled." if [ "$MODE" = "debug" ]; then bash $PWD/grafana.sh -m debug else bash $PWD/grafana.sh fi fi #Docker Etherpad if [ "$ENABLE_DOCKERPAD" = "yes" ]; then echo -e "\nDocker Etherpad will be enabled." if [ "$MODE" = "debug" ]; then bash $PWD/etherpad.sh -m debug else bash $PWD/etherpad.sh fi fi #Prevent JMS conecction issue if [ -z "$(awk "/$DOMAIN/{print\$1}" /etc/hosts)" ];then sed -i "/ \\ $DOMAIN" /etc/hosts else echo "Local host already in place..." fi check_snd_driver echo " ######################################################################## Installation complete!! for customized support: http://switnet.net ######################################################################## " apt-get -y autoremove apt-get autoclean echo "Rebooting in..." wait_seconds 15 } > >(tee -a qj-installer.log) 2> >(tee -a qj-installer.log >&2) reboot