#!/bin/bash # JRA (Jibri Recordings Access) via Nextcloud # SwITNet Ltd © - 2025, https://switnet.net/ # GPLv3 or later. while getopts m: option do case "${option}" in m) MODE=${OPTARG};; \?) echo "Usage: sudo bash ./$0 [-m debug]" && exit;; esac done if [ "$MODE" = "debug" ]; then set -x fi if ! [ "$(id -u)" = 0 ]; then echo "You need to be root or have sudo privileges!" exit 0 fi exit_if_not_installed() { if [ "$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' "$1" 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed")" != "1" ]; then echo " This instance doesn't have $1 installed, exiting..." echo " If you think this is an error, please report to: -> https://forge.switnet.net/switnet/quick-jibri-installer/issues " exit fi } clear echo -e '\n ######################################################################## Jibri Recordings Access via Nextcloud ######################################################################## by Software, IT & Networks Ltd \n' exit_if_not_installed jitsi-meet ## APT checks apt-get update -q2 # Manually add prerequisites. apt-get install -y curl letsencrypt nginx MIN_PHP="8.2" DOMAIN="$(find /etc/prosody/conf.d/ -name \*.lua|awk -F'.cfg' '!/localhost/{print $1}'|xargs basename)" PSGVER="$(apt-cache madison postgresql|tr -d '[:blank:]'|awk -F'[|+]' 'NR==1{print $2}')" NC_NGINX_SSL_PORT="$(grep "listen 44" /etc/nginx/sites-available/"$DOMAIN".conf | awk '{print$2}')" [ -z "$NC_NGINX_SSL_PORT" ] && NC_NGINX_SSL_PORT="443" NC_REPO="https://download.nextcloud.com/server/releases" NCVERSION="$(curl -s -m 900 $NC_REPO/ | sed --silent 's/.*href="nextcloud-\([^"]\+\).zip.asc".*/\1/p' | sort --version-sort | tail -1)" STABLEVERSION="nextcloud-$NCVERSION" NC_PATH="/var/www/nextcloud" NC_CONFIG="$NC_PATH/config/config.php" NC_DB_USER="nextcloud_user" NC_DB="nextcloud_db" NC_DB_PASSWD="$(tr -dc "a-zA-Z0-9#_*=" < /dev/urandom | fold -w 14 | head -n1)" DIR_RECORD="$(awk -F '"' '/RECORDING/{print$2}' /home/jibri/finalize_recording.sh|awk 'NR==1{print$1}')" REDIS_CONF="/etc/redis/redis.conf" JITSI_MEET_PROXY="/etc/nginx/modules-enabled/60-jitsi-meet.conf" [ -f "$JITSI_MEET_PROXY" ] && PREAD_PROXY=$(grep -nr "preread_server_name" "$JITSI_MEET_PROXY" | cut -d ":" -f1) PUBLIC_IP="$(dig -4 +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com)" ISO3166_CODE=TBD NL="$(printf '\n ')" exit_ifinstalled() { if [ "$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' "$1" 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed")" == "1" ]; then echo " This instance already has $1 installed, exiting..." echo " If you think this is an error, please report to: -> https://forge.switnet.net/switnet/quick-jibri-installer/issues " exit fi } install_ifnot() { if [ "$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' "$1" 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed")" == "1" ]; then echo " $1 is installed, skipping..." else echo -e "\n---- Installing $1 ----" apt-get -yq2 install "$1" fi } while [[ "$ANS_NCD" != "yes" ]] do read -p "> Please set your domain (or subdomain) here for Nextcloud: (e.g.: cloud.domain.com)$NL" -r NC_DOMAIN if [ -z "$NC_DOMAIN" ];then echo " - This field is mandatory." elif [ "$NC_DOMAIN" = "$DOMAIN" ]; then echo " - You can not use the same domain for both, Jitsi Meet and JRA via Nextcloud." fi read -p " > Did you mean?: $NC_DOMAIN (yes or no)$NL" -r ANS_NCD if [ "$ANS_NCD" = "yes" ]; then echo " - Alright, let's use $NC_DOMAIN." else echo " - Please try again." fi done sleep .1 #Simple DNS test if [ "$PUBLIC_IP" = "$(dig -4 +short "$NC_DOMAIN"|awk -v RS='([0-9]+\\.){3}[0-9]+' 'RT{print RT}')" ]; then echo -e "Server public IP & DNS record for $NC_DOMAIN seems to match, continuing...\n\n" sleep .1 else echo "Server public IP ($PUBLIC_IP) & DNS record for $NC_DOMAIN don't seem to match." echo " > Please check your dns records are applied and updated, otherwise Nextcloud may fail." read -p " > Do you want to continue?: (yes or no)$NL" -r DNS_CONTINUE if [ "$DNS_CONTINUE" = "yes" ]; then echo " - We'll continue anyway..." else echo " - Exiting for now..." exit fi fi sleep .1 NC_NGINX_CONF="/etc/nginx/sites-available/$NC_DOMAIN.conf" while [ -z "$NC_USER" ] do read -p "Nextcloud user: " -r NC_USER if [ -z "$NC_USER" ]; then echo " - This field is mandatory." fi done sleep .1 while [ -z "$NC_PASS" ] || [ ${#NC_PASS} -lt 8 ] do read -p "Nextcloud user password: " -r NC_PASS if [ -z "$NC_PASS" ] || [ ${#NC_PASS} -lt 8 ]; then echo -e " - This field is mandatory. \nPlease make sure it's at least 8 characters.\n" fi done sleep .1 #Enable HSTS while [ "$ENABLE_HSTS" != "yes" ] && [ "$ENABLE_HSTS" != "no" ] do read -p "> Do you want to enable HSTS for this domain? (yes or no) [default: no]: Be aware this option apply mid-term effects on the domain, choose \"no\" or leave empty in case you don't know what you are doing. More at https://hstspreload.org/$NL" -r ENABLE_HSTS ENABLE_HSTS=${ENABLE_HSTS:-no} if [ "$ENABLE_HSTS" = "no" ]; then echo " - HSTS won't be enabled." elif [ "$ENABLE_HSTS" = "yes" ]; then echo " - HSTS will be enabled." fi done sleep .1 echo -e "#Default country phone code\n > Starting at Nextcloud 21.x it's required to set a default country phone ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code.\n >>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2#Officially_assigned_code_elements <<<\n" sleep .1 while [ ${#ISO3166_CODE} -gt 2 ]; do echo -e "Some examples might be: Germany > DE | Mexico > MX | Spain > ES | USA > US\n Do you want to set such code for your installation?" sleep .1 read -p "Leave empty if you don't want to set any: " -r ISO3166_CODE if [ ${#ISO3166_CODE} -gt 2 ]; then echo -e "\n-- This code is only 2 characters long, please check your input.\n" fi done sleep .1 echo -e "\n# Check for jitsi-meet/jibri\n" if [ "$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' jibri 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed")" == "1" ] || \ [ -f /etc/prosody/conf.d/"$DOMAIN".conf ]; then echo "jitsi meet/jibri is installed, checking version:" apt-show-versions jibri else echo "Wait!, jitsi-meet/jibri is not installed on this system via apt, exiting..." exit fi #Prevent root folder permission issues cp "$PWD"/files/jra-nc-app-ef.json /tmp exit_ifinstalled postgresql-"$PSGVER" ## Install software requirements # PostgresSQL install_ifnot postgresql-"$PSGVER" #-------------------------------------------------- # Prepare PHP #-------------------------------------------------- if [ "$MODE" = "debug" ]; then bash -x "$PWD"/tools/prepare_php.sh "$MIN_PHP" else bash "$PWD"/tools/prepare_php.sh "$MIN_PHP" fi #-------------------------------------------------- # Create DB user #-------------------------------------------------- echo -e "\n---- Creating the PgSQL DB & User ----" sudo -u postgres psql < /tmp/"$STABLEVERSION".zip unzip -q /tmp/"$STABLEVERSION".zip mv nextcloud "$NC_PATH" chown -R www-data:www-data "$NC_PATH" chmod -R 755 "$NC_PATH" echo -e "\nDatabase installation...\n" sudo -u www-data php$MIN_PHP "$NC_PATH"/occ maintenance:install \ --database=pgsql \ --database-name="$NC_DB" \ --database-user="$NC_DB_USER" \ --database-pass="$NC_DB_PASSWD" \ --admin-user="$NC_USER" \ --admin-pass="$NC_PASS" echo -e "\nApply custom mods...\n" sed -i "/datadirectory/a \ \ \'skeletondirectory\' => \'\'," "$NC_CONFIG" sed -i "/skeletondirectory/a \ \ \'simpleSignUpLink.shown\' => false," "$NC_CONFIG" sed -i "/simpleSignUpLink.shown/a \ \ \'knowledgebaseenabled\' => false," "$NC_CONFIG" sed -i "s|http://localhost|https://$NC_DOMAIN|" "$NC_CONFIG" echo -e "\nAdd crontab...\n" crontab -u www-data -l | { cat; echo "*/5 * * * * php$MIN_PHP -f $NC_PATH/cron.php"; } | crontab -u www-data - echo -e "\nAdd memcache support...\n" sed -i "s|# unixsocket .*|unixsocket /var/run/redis/redis.sock|g" "$REDIS_CONF" sed -i "s|# unixsocketperm .*|unixsocketperm 777|g" "$REDIS_CONF" sed -i "s|port 6379|port 0|" "$REDIS_CONF" systemctl restart redis-server echo -e "\n--> Setting config.php...\n" if [ -n "$ISO3166_CODE" ]; then sed -i "/);/i \ \ 'default_phone_region' => '$ISO3166_CODE'," "$NC_CONFIG" fi sed -i "/);/i \ \ 'filelocking.enabled' => 'true'," "$NC_CONFIG" sed -i "/);/i \ \ 'memcache.locking' => '\\\OC\\\Memcache\\\Redis'," "$NC_CONFIG" sed -i "/);/i \ \ 'memcache.local' => '\\\OC\\\Memcache\\\Redis'," "$NC_CONFIG" sed -i "/);/i \ \ 'memcache.local' => '\\\OC\\\Memcache\\\Redis'," "$NC_CONFIG" sed -i "/);/i \ \ 'memcache.distributed' => '\\\OC\\\Memcache\\\Redis'," "$NC_CONFIG" sed -i "/);/i \ \ 'redis' =>" "$NC_CONFIG" sed -i "/);/i \ \ \ \ array (" "$NC_CONFIG" sed -i "/);/i \ \ \ \ \ 'host' => '/var/run/redis/redis.sock'," "$NC_CONFIG" sed -i "/);/i \ \ \ \ \ 'port' => 0," "$NC_CONFIG" sed -i "/);/i \ \ \ \ \ 'timeout' => 0," "$NC_CONFIG" sed -i "/);/i \ \ )," "$NC_CONFIG" echo -e "Done\n" echo -e "\nAddding & Setting up Files External App for Local storage...\n" sudo -u www-data php$MIN_PHP "$NC_PATH"/occ app:install files_external sudo -u www-data php$MIN_PHP "$NC_PATH"/occ app:enable files_external sudo -u www-data php$MIN_PHP "$NC_PATH"/occ app:disable support sudo -u www-data php$MIN_PHP "$NC_PATH"/occ files_external:import /tmp/jra-nc-app-ef.json usermod -a -G jibri www-data chmod -R 770 "$DIR_RECORD" chmod -R g+s "$DIR_RECORD" echo -e "\nFixing possible missing tables...\n\n" echo "y"|sudo -u www-data php$MIN_PHP "$NC_PATH"/occ db:convert-filecache-bigint sudo -u www-data php$MIN_PHP "$NC_PATH"/occ db:add-missing-indices sudo -u www-data php$MIN_PHP "$NC_PATH"/occ db:add-missing-columns echo -e "\nAdding trusted domain...\n" sudo -u www-data php$MIN_PHP "$NC_PATH"/occ config:system:set trusted_domains 0 --value="$NC_DOMAIN" echo -e "\nSetting JRA domain on jitsi-updater.sh\n" sed -i "s|NC_DOMAIN=.*|NC_DOMAIN=\"$NC_DOMAIN\"|" jitsi-updater.sh echo -e "\nQuick Nextcloud installation complete!\n"