# Quick Jibri Installer Bash installer for Jibri on supported **Ubuntu LTS** based systems using **nginx** as default webserver. ## Usage As for our current latest release, as we have integrated more and more features, we highly recommend to use a purpose specific-newly spawn server to host the jitsi-meet framework, making sure you stick to the requirements and recommendations as much as possible, in order to avoid issues. ### Main Server Login into your clean server, clone git repository and run the installer, ``` git clone https://github.com/switnet-ltd/quick-jibri-installer cd quick-jibri-installer bash quick-jibri-installer.sh ``` ### Add Jibri node Copy the modified `add-jibri-node.sh` file from your early cloned installation directory once the installation is completed, to the new server meant to be a jibri node using your preferred method, then run it **WARNING:** This file contains sensitive information from your setup, please handle with care. ``` bash add-jibri-node.sh ``` ### Add JVB2 node Copy the modified `add-jvb2-node.sh` file from your early cloned installation directory once the installation is completed, to the new server meant to be a jibri node using your preferred method, then run it **WARNING:** This file contains sensitive information from your setup, please handle with care. ``` bash add-jvb2-node.sh ``` Check more details on our wiki. ## Requirements * Clean VM/VPS/Server using a supported Ubuntu LTS * Valid domain with DNS record, **mandatory** for SSL certs via Let's Encrypt. * Ports open for ACME (SSL) interaction & validation. * Highly recommended: 8 GB RAM / 4 Cores. * Webcam ### Jigasi Transcript * SIP account * Google Cloud Account with Billing setup. ### Jibri Recodings Access via Nextcloud * Valid domain with DNS record for Nextcloud SSL. ## Kernel warning For AWS users or any cloud service provider that might use their own kernel on their products (servers/vm/vps), might cause Jibri failure to start due not allowing `snd_aloop` module. Make sure that you update your grub to boot the right one. Feel free to use our `test-jibri-env.sh` tool to find some details on your current setup. ## Features * Enabled Session Recording using Jibri * Enabled Jitsi Electron app detection server side. * Standalone SSL Certbot/LE implementation * Jigasi Transcript - Speech to Text powered by Google API (stalled) * JRA (Jibri Recordings Access) via Nextcloud * Improved recurring updater * Customized brandless mode * Setting up custom interface_config.js (to be deprecated by upstream) * Grafana Dashboard * Lobby Rooms via * Conference Duration via * Automatic Jibri nodes network sync ([see more](https://github.com/switnet-ltd/quick-jibri-installer/wiki/Setup-and-Jibri-Nodes)). * JVB2 nodes network. * JWT auth. * Rename Jibri folder with name room + date. ## Tools * Jibri Environment Tester * Jibri Conf Upgrader (late 2020). * Selenium Grid via Docker ## Optional custom changes * Optional default language * Option to enable Secure Rooms * Option to enable Welcome page * Option to enable Close page * Option to set domain as hostname on JMS ### Modes * Custom High Performance config ## Custom changes * Start with video muted by default * Start with audio muted but moderator * Set displayname as not required since jibri can't set it up. ## Documentation * Please check our [wiki](https://github.com/switnet-ltd/quick-jibri-installer/wiki) for further documentation. Please note: This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. SwITNet Ltd © - 2021, https://switnet.net/