forked from switnet/quick-jibri-installer
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2 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
98abfa7c57 | |
40b84218fc |
@ -66,7 +66,8 @@ echo "Add Docker repo"
if [ "$DOCKER_CE_REPO" = "stable" ]; then
echo "Docker repository already installed"
echo "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker-ce.list
echo "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" > \
wget -qO - | \
gpg --dearmor | tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/docker-gpg-key.gpg >/dev/null
apt -q2 update
@ -74,6 +75,9 @@ fi
read -p "Set your etherpad docker admin password: " -r ETHERPAD_ADMIN_PASS
# Make sure we can rely on the match strings.
printf "> Testing match strings on config files.\n"
test_match "$WS_MATCH1" "$WS_CONF"
# Install required packages
install_ifnot docker-ce
@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
// XMPP environment config.
jibri {
streaming {
// A list of regex patterns for allowed RTMP URLs. The RTMP URL used
// when starting a stream must match at least one of the patterns in
// this list.
rtmp-allow-list = [
// By default, all services are allowed
ffmpeg {
resolution = JIBRI_RES_CONF
chrome {
// The flags which will be passed to chromium when launching
flags = [
stats {
enable-stats-d = true
call-status-checks {
// If all clients have their audio and video muted and if Jibri does not
// detect any data stream (audio or video) comming in, it will stop
// recording after NO_MEDIA_TIMEOUT expires.
no-media-timeout = 30 seconds
// If all clients have their audio and video muted, Jibri consideres this
// as an empty call and stops the recording after ALL_MUTED_TIMEOUT expires.
all-muted-timeout = 10 minutes
// When detecting if a call is empty, Jibri takes into consideration for how
// long the call has been empty already. If it has been empty for more than
// DEFAULT_CALL_EMPTY_TIMEOUT, it will consider it empty and stop the recording.
default-call-empty-timeout = 30 seconds
recording {
recordings-directory = "DIR_RECORD"
finalize-script = "REC_DIR"
api {
xmpp {
environments = [
// A user-friendly name for this environment
name = "JB_NAME"
// A list of XMPP server hosts to which we'll connect
xmpp-server-hosts = [ "DOMAIN" ]
// The base XMPP domain
xmpp-domain = "DOMAIN"
// The MUC we'll join to announce our presence for
// recording and streaming services
control-muc {
domain = "internal.auth.DOMAIN"
room-name = "JibriBrewery"
nickname = "Live"
// The login information for the control MUC
control-login {
domain = "auth.DOMAIN"
username = "jibri"
password = "JB_AUTH_PASS"
// An (optional) MUC configuration where we'll
// join to announce SIP gateway services
// sip-control-muc {
// domain = "domain"
// room-name = "room-name"
// nickname = "nickname"
// }
// The login information the selenium web client will use
call-login {
domain = "recorder.DOMAIN"
username = "recorder"
password = "JB_REC_PASS"
// The value we'll strip from the room JID domain to derive
// the call URL
strip-from-room-domain = "conference."
// How long Jibri sessions will be allowed to last before
// they are stopped. A value of 0 allows them to go on
// indefinitely
usage-timeout = 0 hour
// Whether or not we'll automatically trust any cert on
// this XMPP domain
trust-all-xmpp-certs = true
@ -538,19 +538,20 @@ JB_NAME="Jibri Sessions"
MJS_RAND_TAIL="$(tr -dc "a-zA-Z0-9" < /dev/urandom | fold -w 4 | head -n1)"
MJS_USER_PASS="$(tr -dc "a-zA-Z0-9#_*=" < /dev/urandom | fold -w 32 | head -n1)"
WS_MATCH1="# ensure all static content can always be found first"
MEET_MATCH1="disable simulcast support."
#GC_SDK_REL_FILE="$(lsb_release -sc)/Release"
# Make sure we can rely on the match strings.
printf "> Testing match strings on config files.\n"
test_match "$WS_MATCH1" "$WS_CONF"
test_match "$WS_MATCH2" "$WS_CONF"
test_match "$MEET_MATCH1" "$MEET_CONF"
# Rename hostname for jitsi server
@ -904,117 +905,15 @@ chmod +x "$REC_DIR"
## New Jibri Config (2020)
mv "$JIBRI_CONF" ${JIBRI_CONF}-dpkg-file
// New XMPP environment config.
jibri {
streaming {
// A list of regex patterns for allowed RTMP URLs. The RTMP URL used
// when starting a stream must match at least one of the patterns in
// this list.
rtmp-allow-list = [
// By default, all services are allowed
ffmpeg {
resolution = $JIBRI_RES_CONF
chrome {
// The flags which will be passed to chromium when launching
flags = [
stats {
enable-stats-d = true
call-status-checks {
// If all clients have their audio and video muted and if Jibri does not
// detect any data stream (audio or video) comming in, it will stop
// recording after NO_MEDIA_TIMEOUT expires.
no-media-timeout = 30 seconds
// If all clients have their audio and video muted, Jibri consideres this
// as an empty call and stops the recording after ALL_MUTED_TIMEOUT expires.
all-muted-timeout = 10 minutes
// When detecting if a call is empty, Jibri takes into consideration for how
// long the call has been empty already. If it has been empty for more than
// DEFAULT_CALL_EMPTY_TIMEOUT, it will consider it empty and stop the recording.
default-call-empty-timeout = 30 seconds
recording {
recordings-directory = "$DIR_RECORD"
finalize-script = "$REC_DIR"
api {
xmpp {
environments = [
// A user-friendly name for this environment
name = "$JB_NAME"
// A list of XMPP server hosts to which we'll connect
xmpp-server-hosts = [ "$DOMAIN" ]
// The base XMPP domain
xmpp-domain = "$DOMAIN"
// The MUC we'll join to announce our presence for
// recording and streaming services
control-muc {
domain = "internal.auth.$DOMAIN"
room-name = "$JibriBrewery"
nickname = "Live"
// The login information for the control MUC
control-login {
domain = "auth.$DOMAIN"
username = "jibri"
password = "$JB_AUTH_PASS"
// An (optional) MUC configuration where we'll
// join to announce SIP gateway services
// sip-control-muc {
// domain = "domain"
// room-name = "room-name"
// nickname = "nickname"
// }
// The login information the selenium web client will use
call-login {
domain = "recorder.$DOMAIN"
username = "recorder"
password = "$JB_REC_PASS"
// The value we'll strip from the room JID domain to derive
// the call URL
strip-from-room-domain = "conference."
// How long Jibri sessions will be allowed to last before
// they are stopped. A value of 0 allows them to go on
// indefinitely
usage-timeout = 0 hour
// Whether or not we'll automatically trust any cert on
// this XMPP domain
trust-all-xmpp-certs = true
cp files/jibri.conf "$JIBRI_CONF"
sed -i "s|REC_DIR|$REC_DIR|g" "$JIBRI_CONF"
sed -i "s|JB_NAME|$JB_NAME|g" "$JIBRI_CONF"
sed -i "s|JibriBrewery|$JibriBrewery|g" "$JIBRI_CONF"
#Jibri xorg resolution
sed -i "s|[[:space:]]Virtual .*|Virtual $JIBRI_RES_XORG_CONF|" "$JIBRI_XORG_CONF"
@ -1089,28 +988,6 @@ sed -i "s|MJS_USER=.*|MJS_USER=\"$MJS_USER\"|"
#Tune webserver for Jitsi App control
if [ -f "$WS_CONF" ]; then
sed -i "/$WS_MATCH1/i \\\n" "$WS_CONF"
sed -i "/$WS_MATCH1/i \ \ \ \ location = \/external_api.min.js {" "$WS_CONF"
sed -i "/$WS_MATCH1/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ alias \/usr\/share\/jitsi-meet\/libs\/external_api.min.js;" "$WS_CONF"
sed -i "/$WS_MATCH1/i \ \ \ \ }" "$WS_CONF"
sed -i "/$WS_MATCH1/i \\\n" "$WS_CONF"
systemctl reload nginx
echo "No app configuration done to server file, please report to:"
echo " ->"
#Static avatar
if [ "$ENABLE_SA" = "yes" ] && [ -f "$WS_CONF" ]; then
cp images/avatar2.png /usr/share/jitsi-meet/images/
sed -i "/location \/external_api.min.js/i \ \ \ \ location \~ \^\/avatar\/\(.\*\)\\\.png {" "$WS_CONF"
sed -i "/location \/external_api.min.js/i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ alias /usr/share/jitsi-meet/images/avatar2.png;" "$WS_CONF"
sed -i "/location \/external_api.min.js/i \ \ \ \ }\\
\ " "$WS_CONF"
sed -i "/RANDOM_AVATAR_URL_PREFIX/ s|false|\'https://$DOMAIN/avatar/\'|" "$INT_CONF"
sed -i "/RANDOM_AVATAR_URL_SUFFIX/ s|false|\'.png\'|" "$INT_CONF"
#nginx -tlsv1/1.1
if [ "$DROP_TLS1" = "yes" ];then
printf "\nDropping TLSv1/1.1\n\n"
Reference in New Issue